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Benefit Fraud-Govt to check your personal details to find cheats

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The wealthy taxpayer, being weathy should know better than to cheat the system. I am not so certain that the unemployed are up to no good at home. I am also not certain that the unemployed are responsible for immigration for the simple reason so many of our immigrants do not work. What I am certain about is that our sense of freedom is underthreat.


I have worked in the fraud field. I left in disgust. I remember a day when an elderly man was forced downstairs from the attic to the bottom of the hall by a co-worker who declined to climb stairs. He came down on his bottom with his papers in his mouth. He had terminal cancer. I cannot say I like this society!

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Anyway, back to the thread:

The difference between a benefit fraud cheat and a wealthy taxpayer who avoids (and even evades) tax is that the latter is probably a net contributor to society and the former is a taker from all the other taxpayers (society). The government doesn't want to stifle those paying tax and maybe taking a little cash in hand, they are still good contributors to the taxman and to society. The healthy benefit cheat who claims disability benefit he is not enitled to, or works and still claims money is a net sponge onsociety. They should be available for work and indeed working instead of getting up to no good at home all day. The reason given (amongst others) for having to import so people to this country from around the world, changing our culture, was because there weren't enough people in this country willing to do menial work. Well instead of paying these people benefit and importing people to the work, we should be encouraging them to work. It's better for the economy, it's better for their health, it's better for the social cohesion of the country.

Not so good for the immigrants - I concede.


What utter nonsense.


£1billion lost to the exchequer from benefit fraud costs us more than £120billion lost by tax evasion, because you think the rich contribute in other ways. :huh:


Maybe you could tell me how they contribute the £119 billion to break even. They seem to be the 100 times bigger parasites.

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What utter nonsense.


£1billion lost to the exchequer from benefit fraud costs us more than £120billion lost by tax evasion, because you think the rich contribute in other ways. :huh:


Maybe you could tell me how they contribute the £119 billion to break even. They seem to be the 100 times bigger parasites.


So its suddenly gone up from 15 times to 120 times. What a load of rubbish. :loopy:

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Personally I think this is one of the better ideas from this Government as no-one should condone Fraud within the system.


I’m not sure how this will sit with those Libdem supporters on here who argued against the previous Governments intrusion into our personal lives though.





Looks like my 9 bank accounts shall need to be closed if i am to continue claiming all the free benefits i recieve

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£1billion lost to the exchequer from benefit fraud costs us more than £120billion lost by tax evasion, because you think the rich contribute in other ways.


Maybe you could tell me how they contribute the £119 billion to break even. They seem to be the 100 times bigger parasites.

Tax avoidance is legal. Tax evasion is not, neither is claiming and receiving benefits unduly. No like it? Do like the big boys do, lobby your MP to change the Law. Simples :thumbsup:


£1billion lost to the exchequer from benefit fraud costs us more than £120billion lost by tax evasion, because you think the rich contribute in other ways.


Maybe you could tell me how they contribute the £119 billion to break even. They seem to be the 100 times bigger parasites.

He's not wrong, you know. The Gvt sure makes a lot more from VAT on a single Bentley or Ferrari than a dozen second-hand Vectras :D, and sure makes a lot more in corporate tax from companies, income tax from their employees and VAT from both, than £119bn ;)


I'm in a cynical mood today, so you'll have to excuse the tone :hihi:

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