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Benefit Fraud-Govt to check your personal details to find cheats

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Personally I think this is one of the better ideas from this Government as no-one should condone Fraud within the system.]


:hihi::hihi::hihi: Thought this was one of the funniest things i've read in ages.


The phrase " People in glass houses etc" comes to mind.


It's ok for politicians to rip the people off for 100s of thousands, and their buddies the bankers to wreck the country. What a pathetic kneeling nation we have become.

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Nimrod, I was just wondering, and don't feel you have to answer this ona public thread, but if you have a terminal illness there are seperate rules that sometimes apply, as I learned when helping my father. If the experience you mention is a recent one I would advise you go to the CAB and explain your situation and they will be able to help you out.


eta if you are over 65 you have to apply for attendence allowance not DLA


I am not officially terminal, I was given a 50/50 chance of 5 or more years life and I am still 3 years short of being 65. Being 'terminal' only comes into play if you are not expected to live more than 6 months. I have met benefits advisors, one told me to 'get a history of depression'. They cant argue with that one. Cancer and arthritis yes, but not depression. It is invisible.

Its sad when you are told the only chance of winning is to lie.

Thanks for your concern.


I dont mind putting this on a public forum, I want everybody to know the lack of help and compassion ALL PARTY governments give us.

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Read the thread again, and you should be able to see for yourself, that -on balance- this is not the case at all.


Feel better now? :)


Thats good then :)

I see the thread is about fraud etc, Im not supporting fraud at all by the way. Just interested in peoples views around govt intervention etc and this topic seems very relevant

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