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Benefit Fraud-Govt to check your personal details to find cheats

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Cameron to target people who behave exactly like their MPs




Prime minister David Cameron has announced a crackdown on people who are treating the benefits system like their own private parliamentary expenses account.


Cameron told reporters that benefit cheats making MP-style fraudulent claims, for sums to which they are definitely not entitled, was costing the tax payer £5.2bn a year.


Writing in the Manchester Evening News, the prime minister said that tougher penalties and prosecutions would be introduced to deter people from copying everything their MPs had been doing for years.


“We want to encourage people to shop anyone they find behaving like their MP,” he explained.

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well if you are claiming incapacity benefit...will be checkin for purchases such as gardenin and diy equipment ........:suspect:


I'm a bit confused about Experian saying they can look at where your patterns of spending are - Experian don't hold that sort of information, your credit card company do.


I had presumed they'd be looking at things like bank account balance changes and loans taken out.

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I'm a bit confused about Experian saying they can look at where your patterns of spending are - Experian don't hold that sort of information, your credit card company do.
The CC companies (and many many many other companies, including e.g. insurers, utilities and more) have been selling this data (in that granularity of detail) to Experian for donkeys' years, to facilitate credit-scoring and improve the reliability of same. Which in (re)turn benefits the data sellers (less financial/commercial risk when they have to approve a potential customer).


The risk was always there that the Gvt would find a way to get its hands on this data. Makes protests against ID cards downright puerile by comparison.


EDIT - this was actually a NuLab initiative. What a surprise.

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I'm a bit confused about Experian saying they can look at where your patterns of spending are - Experian don't hold that sort of information, your credit card company do.


I had presumed they'd be looking at things like bank account balance changes and loans taken out.


You are right, they can't see what you have been spending your money on. Only your bank can do this. Experian can only access your credit record.

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well if you are claiming incapacity benefit...will be checkin for purchases such as gardenin and diy equipment ........:suspect:


Or booking skiing holidays :cool:


That reminds me of the time I went to see my mum and she told me her neighbour was repairing his garage roof at the crack of dawn, thought he wouldn’t get seen but we clocked him, at least his invalidity car should be nice and dry.

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