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Benefit Fraud-Govt to check your personal details to find cheats

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Far be it from me to observe that's it's far easier for the media to demonize low-income families than it is to lay into the even bigger crooks in the middle-classes, despite the astonishing disparities in the level of fraud.


Surely its only demonizing those that cheat? Those that don't have nothing to worry about.

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Surely its only demonizing those that cheat? Those that don't have nothing to worry about.


And maybe Experian advisers


"Credit rating agency Experian has split from Lord Taylor of Blackburn, one of its political advisers, after the ermine-clad idiot said he could get legislation changed for cash.


Police are investigating allegations against four peers - Lord Moonie, Lord Truscott, Lord Taylor of Blackburn and Lord Snape - that they offered journalists improper help in exchange for payment. All were caught in a Sunday Times sting."


"Taylor is heard on tape released by the paper referring to Experian and claiming he amended and delayed a piece of legislation to which the agency objected. He said he was paid up to £100,000 a year by some companies and "was cheap at the price"."



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(Note: the initiative was setup by NuLab in the context of housing benefit excesses, this Gvt is just scaling up, since it is expected to save still more).

I do not disagree. So long as the information is (was...), indeed, limited to that purpose: confidential information used in a confidential context to justify a confidential decision.

Or, if they claimed JSA in a particular period, that they must make some on the side to afford the repayments in that same period? ;) Numbers talk easy, once you understand them, as I'm sure you well know.


my bold. I was of the understanding though that there was nothing to prevent someone else making loan/interest payments on behalf of the person claiming the benefit? Eg you have a job and your dad is made redundant and claims Jobseekers, so you kindly offer to pay some of his loan repayments each month until he is working again? So in theory even loan repayments made while on benefits would not necessarily indicate fraud.


Also, I think that sometimes people can get loans even without a job if they have equity tied up in there property, or if they are home owners they can secure a loan to their property. So again, taking out a loan does not mean benefit fraud either.

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I don't but I am taking my information from "what could be" a trusted source, the BBC.


I do know that it is also claimed that "Pensioners 'miss out on £5bn of benefits annually'"




My question to you would be How much goes unclaimed?


IMO part of the reason is means testing. Many elderly people feel insulted by the need to share all their financial details, and therefore won't apply. They feel entitled to their pension, but don't realise that claiming their entitlement is ok and not something to be ashamed of.


The fair method would be to increase all state pensions to the level of pension credit. Those with large incomes would simply pay more income tax. Those who scrape by but 'have their pride' would benefit.

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Now I don't get how this lot is going to work.


I had never had ANY credit in my life, I refused to have any, thinking it wrong to owe and live beyond my means. Anyhow I went for a loan and was refused it because I did not have a credit rating, I eventually got the loan but with a stupidly high interest rate with insurance and everything (reminds me to try claim that back).


Anyhow like I said, do they go after people who have had loads of credit thinking that they have money to repay ? or them that have never had loads of credit thinking that they must have money so they have never borrowed ?


I would love to see how this one pans out because it seems to me like because everyone has had credit to the hilt and knackered the system, then go after those who have not because they must be on the fiddle. Which to me does not make sense.

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Personally I think this is one of the better ideas from this Government as no-one should condone Fraud within the system.


I’m not sure how this will sit with those Libdem supporters on here who argued against the previous Governments intrusion into our personal lives though.




I think this is just a gimick idea that won't work anyway. People on benefit taking "fiddle" jobs on the quiet, it will all be cash in hand, none of which will touch the financial systems. All I'd hope is it breaks even at least.

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Let them take a look at the fiddling MPs.


Quite. Christ, talk about 'divide and conquer'. When will we be seeing grainy footage of MPs flicking through the John Lewis list? Or Jackie Smith sneaking home to her actual home every night (which must have been recorded by her police protection squad)? Or Tony McNulty. Or Hazel Bears?


These are the people who should be hounded, investigated and then jailed.

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