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Just for one day lets celebrate our faith

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Are they, though, Bloomdido?


I've always thought that for the most part, even the atheist has something that they revere, (not all, BTW, and this is purely my hypothesis, so make of it what you will :D )


I believe that there's a god-shaped hole in the human psyche, and that man has a need to fill that hole with something, whether it be power, work, money, fast cars, drugs, sex.... or whatever.


I believe in a higher being that created us, (not necessarily in the literal, Biblical "God spake" sense, but that there was a "hand" behind our coming into being...)


I do accept that not everyone shares that point of view, and I don't have a jot of difficulty accepting that some folk believe in many gods, some believe in

one, and others believe in none. I can't force one set of religious beliefs on a person over another, the individual makes up their mind what their faith or moral code is.


I've nattered to Rainbow Angel previously about faiths, and I fully agree with the core philosophy of her paganism, which is "An it harm none, do what ye will!"- and that


is my take on faith:- providing your belief is not impinging on, or harming another person, what's the problem? you have the right to believe what you want!


Are you still claiming to be Muslim? This reads more like something between deism and the kind of hand-waving theology of moderate Anglicanism.

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Thanks Jew Boy for a positive post about faith - I too have faith - it's fantastic to have, something to give me strength and peace and assurance for the future - great post, thanks!


Your welcome friend :)

Thank you to everyone whos contributed:)

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There are many different faiths around the world and many differing opinions on which one is the right one. But just for one day on one thread lets all share our faiths. Not to see which is the right one or the wrong one but just say what it is that makes your faith special to you.

My faith means im never alone. God is always thrre guiding me down the path of life to the day i can rid myself of these mortal shackles and be one with him.

He gives me strength on the days i have none of my own and courage on days mine is lacking.

Share your faith with us all.

Peace and love to you :)

Faith equates to 'belief without evidence'. Why on earth would you want to celebrate that?
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ill share the love with you Jew Boy


i beleive in the true magic of nature from the sunshine and gentle rain that make the flowers grow to the mighty winds and rains that reak havoc and destroys life. I beleive in the Faeries and the Angels and the Gods and Goddesses of old. of the Magical and Healing properties of crystals and herbs.


Love and Blessings to each and everyone of you ( even the misery bums that came on Jew Boys thread just to cause mischeif)




That's all very lovely and sparkly stuff, but when you've finished celebrating your beliefs perhaps you should reflect for a moment on the fact that the holy books of the three abrahamic faiths, books supposedly authored (directly or indirectly) by their collective god, demand your execution for witchcraft.

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"Just for one day lets celebrate our faith"


If this sentiment could be shared by all people of faith, then all people without faith would have no complaints.


"Just for one day lets celebrate our faith"


Anyway, since that was yesterday, I'll get back to moaning about it if you don't mind.



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Are you still claiming to be Muslim? This reads more like something between deism and the kind of hand-waving theology of moderate Anglicanism.


Then what's the deal with the whole Muslim thing?


Don't you believe in Allah as described in the Koran, and all that stuff about winged horses taking warlords up to heaven?

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Then what's the deal with the whole Muslim thing?


Don't you believe in Allah as described in the Koran, and all that stuff about winged horses taking warlords up to heaven?

Me? No, of course not. I'm quite interested in the work being done by predominantly german scholars which (unsurprisingly) seems to suggest that the Quran went through a similar process of revision to tbe New Testament, and may have originally been largely written in Syriac, rather than Arabic.


I am curious about PT's views, however. She has in the past (to her credit) said some very liberal and un-islamic things about tolerance of gay people, eyc. That, coupled with her apparently deistic view of 'creation' makes me wonder whether she still considers herself to be a muslim and, if so, on what grounds. What is the definition of 'Muslim' and how well does it fit a liberal minded, intelligent, articulate and tolerant woman?

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