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Who will replace Iain Duncan Smith?

Who will be the new Tory Leader?  

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  1. 1. Who will be the new Tory Leader?

    • Kenneth Clarke
    • Michael Portillo
    • David Davis
    • Michael Howard
    • William Hague
    • Michael Ancram
    • Oliver Letwin
    • Theresa May
    • Other

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8) Nah Den Ace.......


Originally posted by t020

What about Boris Johnson????????? :D


Ha ha ha.........he was brilliant on Have I Got News For You..........Tory leader though? I'd prefer t020 to stand..........the acceptable face of Toryism!!! :D





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Just when I thought it couldnt get any worse, I am reminded today of something that is not just scary but makes me physically ill


Please try and bear with me


Take your mind back to 1997 UK if you are old enough


Major wont call the general election because he knows he will lose so we spend months on a war footing but the war is not yet with us.


We have NO IDEA that we will win with a landslide, what we remember is the shock and hurt of April 10th 1992 when we failed, and we are scared to death of going there again


Michael Howard is the Home Secretary


And within only months of the soon to be General Election, in his official position he does two things that turn my stomach


1. He chains a pregnant woman in labour to her bed, in hospital, during birth, she is something like a shop-lifter, I dont remember precisely, but she certainly isnt a terrorist


2. He chains a man dying of AIDS to his bed in hospital, a man who can no longer walk or talk, who is as weak as a new born baby


I even wrote a poem about it all the way back then, but I wouldnt inflict it on you now


If you think this is the man to lead a multi-cultural multi-class sensitive country then you are as mad as he clearly is



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Originally posted by Belle

Just when I thought it couldnt get any worse, I am reminded today of something that is not just scary but makes me physically ill


Please try and bear with me


Take your mind back to 1997 UK if you are old enough


Major wont call the general election because he knows he will lose so we spend months on a war footing but the war is not yet with us.


We have NO IDEA that we will win with a landslide, what we remember is the shock and hurt of April 10th 1992 when we failed, and we are scared to death of going there again


Michael Howard is the Home Secretary


And within only months of the soon to be General Election, in his official position he does two things that turn my stomach


1. He chains a pregnant woman in labour to her bed, in hospital, during birth, she is something like a shop-lifter, I dont remember precisely, but she certainly isnt a terrorist


2. He chains a man dying of AIDS to his bed in hospital, a man who can no longer walk or talk, who is as weak as a new born baby


I even wrote a poem about it all the way back then, but I wouldnt inflict it on you now


If you think this is the man to lead a multi-cultural multi-class sensitive country then you are as mad as he clearly is




So criminals who get ill shouldn't be punished? He cut crime by 15%. On the other hand, look at crime since 1997 when Labour got into power.

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Originally posted by t020

So criminals who get ill shouldn't be punished? He cut crime by 15%. On the other hand, look at crime since 1997 when Labour got into power.

If there in prison for shoplifting and expecting a baby then no they should not be chained to a bed.

Serious crime then maybe.

Why don't the Tories admit defeat, they did enough damage to this country to last a life time during the 80s and early 90s, we refuse to forget that.

They have blown it for the 21st century thats for sure.

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Originally posted by The Cycleracer

If there in prison for shoplifting and expecting a baby then no they should not be chained to a bed.

Serious crime then maybe.

Why don't the Tories admit defeat, they did enough damage to this country to last a life time during the 80s and early 90s, we refuse to forget that.

They have blown it for the 21st century thats for sure.



Chained to a bed for shoplifting? I'd like to know Belle's source on that, as I highly doubt that its true. Just left wing propaganda.


Edited to protect the innocent. - max

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Here you go, from the Press Association, dated 1996.

I think it explains it all properly and fully.

And the Press Association is the Press Association, it is not a left apologist, okay?




PA 1/15/96 12:43 AM


Copyright 1996 PA News.


By Padraic Flanagan and Simeon Tegel, PA News


The policy of keeping women prisoners handcuffed during hospital visits comes under a double challenge today.


The president of the Royal College of Midwives meets the director general of the Prison Service to press him to abandon the policy for pregnant prisoners.


And while they meet, a woman prisoner seriously ill with Aids will be mounting a legal challenge against the policy of keeping her shackled in her hospital bed, it was reported.


The Holloway prisoner, known only as Jane, is said to be handcuffed at all times to a prison officer in a ward at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, West London.


She is being held on remand and is charged with supplying heroin.


Her solicitor Sarah Cleary today goes to court to seek an emergency bail application which would allow her to continue her treatment without the security.


"There is no way that she will abscond. She is far too ill to even get to the door of her bedroom without getting out of breath," Ms Cleary told BBC Radio Five Live.


"I just find it incredible that in 1996 sick women are treated this way."


Meanwhile, the Royal College of Midwives was today urging prison chiefs to scrap the "inhuman" practice of shackling pregnant women prisoners while they are in hospital.


RCM president Caroline Flint will ask Richard Tilt, director general of the Prison Service, to end what she calls a "barbaric procedure".


Controversy erupted last week when it emerged that a pregnant inmate at Holloway prison, north London, was chained and handcuffed at times to prevent any escape during her 12-hour labour in the nearby Whittington hospital.


An RCM spokesman said today's meeting, arranged with the Prison Service on Friday, was a "positive development" in the college's long-running campaign.


"We will be discussing the issue of pregnant women prisoners being handcuffed during labour and ante-natal care. We are totally opposed to that happening," he said.


"We think there is a lack of dignity, it's inhuman and as far as we are concerned, women deserve the right to be respected during labour and not to be handcuffed."


Delegates at the RCM's annual conference in Belfast voted unanimously in July last year to campaign for manacles to be removed from pregnant prisoners.


Twenty women prisoners have escaped during hospital visits since 1990, including a pregnant inmate who jumped from a first-floor window

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