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Help, Accused of benefit fraud

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Come on, mel, that's really bad advice. This member has to go to an IUC. She can hardly afford to start with the clever remarks. Although hopefully, her optimistic post will be justified and they won't suddenly face her with some damning evidence.


well personally, IF i knew i was doing something correctly to the best of my knowledge BUT they presume im not, and i know from personal experience that they do not listen to reason (i once got my dole stopped because of something they did, not me but the appeal fell on deaf ears)

i would just tell my side and let em get on with it, telling em to swivell in the process.


i know this isnt everybodys way, it is mine


all you can do is go in there and tell them the truth, theyll either listen or wont

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I was called to one of these interviews well over a decade ago, it was in the transitiopnal period where me and my girlfriend were deciding who's house we should move into together, we were mostly staying at her house and i was staying there more than 3 nights per week.

At the interview i refused to answer any of their questions, they tried twisting the facts to give me enough rope to hang mysel.

I also had a home visit where they wanted to see the contents of my fridge and cupboards etc, one of them said i can't be living there as i had no sugar, i don't use sugar lol. !

Anyway nothing came of it as i was ready to give my house up and did so a couple of weeks later.

I was only out of work 3 months or so but felt like the whole benefits system was constantly on my back, bitt OTT but i likened it to being a jew in nazi germany, thank god i've been in work ever since, i'd hate to put myself through that again.


Though i'm a law abiding citizen i'd still recommend you tell them nothing, let them provide the evidence of wrong doing, if they can.


(btw, take into account my advice may not be the "right" way to go about this.)

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I dont know many people, So i had a "list" of possible people who would know enough about me i.e, my address, my bf's address, and then something strange happened yesterday ( cant say what on here) but it confirmed who it was that had rang them up, Anyway Im doing nothing wrong, everything is seperate, bank accounts, bills etc, I live here and he lives there, Thats that , I shant be volunteering any information that they dont ask for as im aware of what they are like, the CAB told me to only answer what they ask and not to give them details


euro, get yourself down to Howells Solicitors. As you are on benefits you will be entitled to legal aid or whatever its called these days. If you are going to be interviewed under caution, you are entitled to legal advice and representation.


Good luck.

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we both have big old dogs so we cant move in together because of money and our dogs don't get on


a) surely living together will be cheaper ?

b) you're letting two dogs dictate your life/relationship ?

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i live on my own with my son, I visit my sons dad everyday and sometimes we sleep over, My partner rents his property ( privately) and we both have big old dogs so we cant move in together because of money and our dogs dont get on, Today the housing have sent a letter to my bf's house to me saying that someone has informed them im fraudulently claiming benefits and not living in my house but living with my partner instead, Obviously im scared to death now! I rang them up asked what it was all about but they wouldnt speak to me over the phone, and said i needed an interview under caution which will be recorded to give my side, To be honest i do just use my house as somewhere to sleep and spend most of my time at my bf's house, Is this wrong? Can I get in trouble for this? I pay my rent and never cause any problems and its rare i sleep at my partners as he works night shift so he drops us back home late on , Im just worried about it now and dont know what to expect or why someone has told them different? Please help or advise, Thanks Sarah


The Sheffield forum isn't the place to put this type of question, as you will be judged and flamed.


Benefit fraud is serious and costs the tax payer lots of money. But everyone no matter how inocent tries cheating the sytem by not paying tax etc.


Best thing to do is ignore everyone on here and seek some legal advice. Howells Solicitors are very good at situations like this.

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a) surely living together will be cheaper ?

b) you're letting two dogs dictate your life/relationship ?


a)If you lived together your partner would probably be able to claim Working Tax Credit, so that would top your money up.


b) There are ways of keeping two dogs apart if they truly don't get on. One of my colleagues has two small dogs which fight, he keeps them in crates during the day whilst he is at work.

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...... He doesnt give me any money so its not like im getting benefits and his money aswell as he doesnt have much anyway......,


This bit is bothering me....I don't wish to have a dig here, I understand people's circumstances can be fluid, but your son's dad should be contributing financially, and that money deducted from your benefit. He should be paying probably 15% of his net income to you. Between the pair of you, you are claiming benefit you are not entitled to.


For the record, I agree with you in the sense that you might not be able to live together for all sorts of reasons....plain old not wanting to is acceptable, but you can't claim money from the state that he should be paying you.

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