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Police officers, thick or dishonest?

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A police officer came to my house regarding my sons stolen mobile phone, and asked me to leave my 3 kids, the youngest being 6 at the time, home alone while me n he drove round the block so i could point out the offenders house.. We bartered for a bit and I agreed to take the youngest, leaving the bigger ones at home, he looked shocked that I was finding this a difficult decision to make.. Im not sure if this amounts to thick, but im pretty sure its not legal to leave such a young child at home.

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A police officer came to my house regarding my sons stolen mobile phone, and asked me to leave my 3 kids, the youngest being 6 at the time, home alone while me n he drove round the block so i could point out the offenders house.. We bartered for a bit and I agreed to take the youngest, leaving the bigger ones at home, he looked shocked that I was finding this a difficult decision to make.. Im not sure if this amounts to thick, but im pretty sure its not legal to leave such a young child at home.




Depends how old the other 2 are?

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That is a disgraceful statement, I hope the moderator is aware of it and appropriate action is taken against you, as far as I am concerned you have just issued a threat to kill which is a criminal offence and I hope you pay the price.


Do you have a gun? I think we should be told.






Are you off your head?

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Depends how old the other 2 are?
I "thought" (note my qoutation marks incase you are the argumentative sort ) but I "thought" that in order to leave a child in the care of another, that that person needs to be over the age of 14. The bigger ones arnt this age yet.


I dont see what the problem was with taking us all, it wasnt like it was a three seater car or anything... Infact I dont see what the problem was with the officer going back to the police station with the name provided and doing some bloody detective work to see where he lives instead of trapesing the victims round the houses.


Not to mention that the fact the criminals mother had been and bought the phone back from the person he had sold it to, (the person handling stolen goods....) AND THE POLICE OFFICER THOUGHT THE JOB WAS DONE, didnt understand why I felt the person should be spoken to about his crime by a police officer if we had gotten the phone back by informing the school and them informing his mother, or the fact that she knew where to go and get it from!!!!!!!!!!!! Gasp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I didnt complain again im not that way enclined.:|


I havent even started yet about him ringing me to tell me everytime he went round, they appeared to be out and what did I want him to do about it!!!!!!!! gasp!!!!

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. . . and the Police make it up as they go along, if they had any neck they would be in 45 Commando.


Personally I think a lot of police officers are dishonest. Because I have friends in rough areas, I have been stopped and searched three times and on each occasion police officers have made it plain they would happily lie about what I was doing - driving round repeatedly when I was merely passing from A to B, etc etc.

However, from what Treatment says I would be very surprised if he wasn't investigated and had his door smashed in. May take time, but it will happen. A lot of us may think like that but best just to think it. And there are a lot of good police officers out there who are just as against corruption as the rest of us.

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I "thought" (note my qoutation marks incase you are the argumentative sort ) but I "thought" that in order to leave a child in the care of another, that that person needs to be over the age of 14. The bigger ones arnt this age yet.


I dont see what the problem was with taking us all, it wasnt like it was a three seater car or anything... Infact I dont see what the problem was with the officer going back to the police station with the name provided and doing some bloody detective work to see where he lives instead of trapesing the victims round the houses.


Not to mention that the fact the criminals mother had been and bought the phone back from the person he had sold it to, (the person handling stolen goods....) AND THE POLICE OFFICER THOUGHT THE JOB WAS DONE, didnt understand why I felt the person should be spoken to about his crime by a police officer if we had gotten the phone back by informing the school and them informing his mother, or the fact that she knew where to go and get it from!!!!!!!!!!!! Gasp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I didnt complain again im not that way enclined.:|


I havent even started yet about him ringing me to tell me everytime he went round, they appeared to be out and what did I want him to do about it!!!!!!!! gasp!!!!


Possibly to save time so that he could assist another ungrateful and unhelpful member of the public in their quest for justice - just a thought.

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Incidentally i dont think Police Officers are any thicker than most of those posting on here and they are certainly more honest.


Many of those posting are the first to scream for help from the Police when they are in difficulty. Next time phone a hippie.


And many of them wont get it.

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Here's one for Sheffield Forum's to chew over and a thought of the night....It you get the Bailiffs, and there want to take your PC would there be allowed...As a lot for people do On Line Banking, and there is a lot of Personal Information on your PC would your PC come under the Data Protection Act, and if so could you stop them taking your PC

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