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Police officers, thick or dishonest?

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Here's one for Sheffield Forum's to chew over and a thought of the night....It you get the Bailiffs, and there want to take your PC would there be allowed...As a lot for people do On Line Banking, and there is a lot of Personal Information on your PC would your PC come under the Data Protection Act, and if so could you stop them taking your PC


Just don't let them in your house. They have no rights to come into your property. They're only allowed to do a walking possession order if they have gained peaceful entry into your property. Under no circumstances should you ever let them in. They are without a doubt the lowest of the low. Worse than any 'chav'!!

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Just don't let them in your house. They have no rights to come into your property. They're only allowed to do a walking possession order if they have gained peaceful entry into your property. Under no circumstances should you ever let them in. They are without a doubt the lowest of the low. Worse than any 'chav'!!


Bailiffs are usually the last resort..how else are people going to get the money they are owed?

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That is a disgraceful statement, I hope the moderator is aware of it and appropriate action is taken against you, as far as I am concerned you have just issued a threat to kill which is a criminal offence and I hope you pay the price.


Doesn't a threat need to be directed at someone?


It's a foolish thing to say, but I don't think it's criminal.

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It was clearly directed at the balliffs, any balliffs. I think it is criminal, as he has threatened to shoot them surely in view of recent incidents he should be identified and his house searched for fire arms. At the very least he should be bound over to keep the peace.


Doesn't a threat need to be directed at someone?


It's a foolish thing to say, but I don't think it's criminal.

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