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People shouldn't have to work

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People are always pointing out my flaws. Yes, I have a big nose. Yes, I have a few blemishes and scars. Yes, I eat too much cheesecake and my ass is getting bigger. I am trying to solve it honestly I am but it's difficult. I want to just be loved for being me. Obviously me is not good enough.


It's friday and now I feel really really bad about myself.


hmm thats a shame but never mind im sure that will work its self out at some point i have a very good therapist pm me if you want the number.


but now lets get back to the topic, by flaw i was refering to your idea not your personal life or image.

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as I said earlier money and fiat currency only cloud the issue. Pretend they didn't exist and we still had a barter economy. What we need to do is enough work to feed ourselves and satisfy basic requirements, ie food, water, shelter.

If everyone quit work then we'd all starve.


And if the people who didn't quit work, only did enough to provide for their own welfare then those who didn't work would starve.


Isn't that the problem...basic requirements? As humans we've gone beyond that concept. I agree that not working would lead to catastrophe..even other lifeforms work. Work would have to be looked at in a totally new and different light. Money is a profit concept allowing me to go beyond my needs at the expense of those that can't. Humans are not equal and that inequality is defined by money...generally.

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Has anyone mentioned 'the venus project' yet? A decent stab at the robotic idea / resource-based angle, although a bit Das Cap, in fairness.


The idea has many flaws, never the less it's concept is a good one. You can't combine the present system and the VP as both are an anathema to each other.

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as for the debate and burden of proof comment i think you will find that as you have started this you have to dissprove out views but still prove your own.



ohh look a linky!!! :hihi:


anyway this irrelevent i never said anything as a fact merely a question and further more this is just a forum not a debate team :)

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hmm thats a shame but never mind im sure that will work its self out at some point i have a very good therapist pm me if you want the number.


Oh right so in your eyes I'm sooooo <removed>up I need a THERAPIST do I?!?! What is your <removed> problem??!! If I want to collect up all the hair at the local barbers and comb it into a pie, that's MY choice. Whose choice? MY CHOICE!!!!


but now lets get back to the topic, by flaw i was refering to your idea not your personal life or image.


I don't think it's flawed at all. I think the reasoning that demands acuity specifically from within the framework of reality to which you are attempting to consign it is decontextualising the point I was initially trying to make... perhaps deliberately, I don't know. Was it deliberate? I suspect it was...

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Has anyone mentioned 'the venus project' yet? A decent stab at the robotic idea / resource-based angle, although a bit Das Cap, in fairness.




The Venus Project is a great start I think in terms of opening people's minds to the possibilities of changing our attitudes and reliance from a monetary work-based economy to a resource education/ leisure-based economy.


We have always invented technology to do work for us to and therefore to serve us. We have the knowledge and the resources to now go that one last step and allow technology to do all of the mundane work. People would then be free to contribute their skills and interests on a voluntary basis, which is always preferable to a master/slave scenario.


It may be the only logical step we can take in fact to help prevent the issues associated with resource depletion (peak oil, peak everything) that we currently face, because if all people are continuously educated rather than being forced into mundane labour to survive and technological progress is not hampered by financing issues we have a much higher probability of finding new ways to solve these issues.

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Isn't that the problem...basic requirements? As humans we've gone beyond that concept. I agree that not working would lead to catastrophe..even other lifeforms work. Work would have to be looked at in a totally new and different light. Money is a profit concept allowing me to go beyond my needs at the expense of those that can't. Humans are not equal and that inequality is defined by money...generally.


I'd explain money differently, firstly by referring back to barter.

If you're a skilled hunter (for example) you might end up with excess meat.

You're not however a skilled gatherer and so you exchange some of your meat for some fruit that someone else has in excess.

You both win.


Eventually your community sets up a market because there's so much stuff to exchange. Knowing each other you might be able to operate on trust. You barter excess meat today for some eggs that won't be delivered until next week. The problem with this is that you can only do this with people you know.


If a trusted 3rd party enters the equation and introduces a fiat currency that they guarantee to back, you can now exchange meat with a stranger in exchange for fundamentally worthless coins. Later you can exchange those coins for something else that you need.

When first introduced the coins are normally not fiat at all, but are actually precious themselves and so are really just a slightly abstracted form of barter. Making the coins worthless just takes the whole thing a step further.

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Oh right so in your eyes I'm sooooo <removed> up I need a THERAPIST do I?!?! What is your <removed> problem??!! If I want to collect up all the hair at the local barbers and comb it into a pie, that's MY choice. Whose choice? MY CHOICE!!!!


I don't think it's flawed at all. I think the reasoning that demands acuity specifically from within the framework of reality to which you are attempting to consign it is decontextualising the point I was initially trying to make... perhaps deliberately, I don't know. Was it deliberate? I suspect it was...



whooo nelly calm down and please dont swear at me!

it is indeed your choice and no i dont think your messed up it was meant to be a bit tongue in cheek my apologises if if you missunderstood.


of course you dont think its flawed its your view/idea and you are entitled to it of course. same as i am entitled to look at it and ask and question and have a view of it aswell. however just because i disagree with it that doesnt make it wrong i have an open mind and am willing to look at it and respect your choice in beliveing it.


this started because i asked a question which by the way you never anwsererd you just threw other arguments/comments at me.


all ideas have to start somewhere BUT with all theorys they need testing and looking into too see errors or potential errors you know like trial and error.


i dont want to argue with you it isnt my style i was merely pointing out a potential error in your plan that i asked you too look into and/or think about and then answer my question.


p.s im not sure what your accussing me off in your end comment?

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