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Park off hartley brook avenue

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Yes, I used to take my niece there in the early 80s when she was a youngster- she used to love it. When I was young we all used to take old tea trays and slide down the hill on them. Wouldn't like to think of children doing that now. :roll:

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OOOOO I can. the slide was fab even better when the big kids had waxed it!! The top bit had a set of swings, a roundabout and a round dome climing frame that spun round. Shame the brook has gone to rack and ruin, we used to have such fun on there.

The cardboard slides were great and when winter came round the sledging was ace!

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i remember the park,i used to play there in the late 80s i remember the slide,but thinking back now the park wasnt very safe for kids because it was so out of the way ,i used to love playing on the brook we used to spend hours playing there,happy days x

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Hi Jessiet

it was out of the way i agree (i could see our house on Godric from the park though) but in the 80's i can't remember having any of the cares or worries that we do now and also spent hours on the brook making dens. river jumping, tarzan swings and horse riding. x

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