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The stresses of unemployment

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Ok, here goes, and this could be a long one....


I have bene unemployed for almost two years now (August 2008) and its caused so much stress and hassle for me.


To start with, we all know the saying, "its easier to get a job, when your in a job" - this is so true, finding a job is like finding that perfect gift, you try and try and you get to a certain point or decision and then things change.


Well, I have been applying and applying, probably 4 or 5 applications sent per week (wether thats direct enquiries, spec letters, handing CV in person, or via online such as reed.co.uk or mysheffieldjobs.co.uk etc) and in the past two -almost- years, I have had about 4 interviews, and 90% of companies don't even send an email saying "thanks for your CV but sorry, were not taking it any further"


This is causing me stress cause I think whats wrong with my CV, why arent they interested, why haven't they got back to me etc.. I have taken the effort to chase this with some companies but all I ever get is "yeah, we got your CV and it will be looked over" - and thats it, I can't keep calling back because I can't afford the phone bill.


Its also having a knock on effect, its causing major problems and stress in relationships (friends and family etc),.. its causing friends to think i'm a lay about who should just get up and get a job (it's really not that easy) and all this is causing me more stress :/


There's a sheer lack of jobs at the moment because its summer, lots of places took on temporary summer staff, but only school leavers and uni students looking for summer work, so they can pay them less.


What else doesn't help is my lack of GCSE's - I won't go into the full reasoning why but basically my school didn't do GCSE's then when I was in college I got kicked out due to (their words) "not been able to offer the support he needs" (was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age, and I have a S.E.N)


The ADHD bit is also causing a problem as I was advised to put that on my CV under additional info etc as it had caused me problems in the past with a couple of jobs and employers should be made aware.. as a result of all this I can't do just "any old job" if you want a full reason look into what ADHD actually is and what happens (basically, mind gets bored easily and wonders... and you can see how this can cause problems in work)


I know what I want to do, but there's no jobs in that area, so I have started to look further into different positions and roles and types of job, but its still not that easy..


I also can't drive at the moment (so close to finnishing, its just so expensive), where as if I was driving, it would open up so many more jobs, I could increse my prospects by atleast 50% from the jobs that I like and want to do, right down to home shopping delivery for asda, or freelance courier etc..


so, does anyone have any advise, has anyone else got so stressed about finding a job etc?

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What did you do before you became unemployed?


I worked at PlusNet, before that I was unemployed for just over a year.. I always seem to struggle finding a job..


the reason I was unemployed then was because my year long contract ended.


i'm not going into full history tho :)

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Ghozer, if you have been in receipt of unemployment benefit for almost two years, can't you try contacting the benefits office/job centre, and telling them that you'd like a driving job but need help with costs to qualify. I know someone who got money for the cost of taxi exam/licensing, not from Sheffield, but it's worth a try.

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I already tried that, the job centre said they can't offer any funds towards driving lessons, so I questioned "what if I wanted a job that involves driving, such as a courier or driving instructor?" and they said that there's still nothing they can do..

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I worked at PlusNet, before that I was unemployed for just over a year.. I always seem to struggle finding a job..


the reason I was unemployed then was because my year long contract ended.


i'm not going into full history tho :)


Aww go on....we are nosey!:cool:

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I already tried that, the job centre said they can't offer any funds towards driving lessons, so I questioned "what if I wanted a job that involves driving, such as a courier or driving instructor?" and they said that there's still nothing they can do..


That's a pity. I'm surprised at that. I would have thought that's exactly what they should be doing. I'll have a talk with my mates and see if they have any advice.

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If you are applying for jobs that you are qualified for (if necessary) and have some relevant experience in, I'm sorry but there must be something not quite right with your CV if you have been unemployed for 2 years and have been sending off 4 or 5 applications each week as you say. Have you had anyone look over it (other than family and friends)?


You say your previous employment was with PlusNet, what exactly were you doing there and what sort of jobs are you applying for currently?

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Have you tried going for part time jobs? I once had three jobs to make up to the wage I wanted, and it worked pretty well, plus stopped me getting bored (cos I was never at one work place long enough!) during the day.


Like somebody else said, maybe your CV wants looking at? Have you tried asking the job centre/agencies/trusted friends for their opinions?


Do you have any skills you could put to use as a self employed person?


Have you tried looking into voluntary work to give you something to put on your CV? Some people do this as a stepping stone to paid employment.

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