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The stresses of unemployment

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Yeah, all they would let me do is gunner... nothing 'in the background' like I'd want to do... I spent about 2 hours in there talking to them looking at my options..


Hi Ghozer, once you are in and done your basic training you can attend education classes to qualify for your army certificate of education and also qualify in military skills. Once you have done this you can apply to go on different trade training courses or transfer to a different corps.

At least that is how it was in my day.

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I'm in the same boat. Iv'e just registered with soar, they'll help with anything you need. they'll provide free training in various areas such as, trade, IT, they also provide courses where you can take your gcse's, I'll pm their number to you if you'd like.


Thanks, that would be great... But is there an age limit on these? i'm just turned 28, and alot of places stop helping when you hit 25, like the jobcentre things, there's courses and funds/grants available for further education and training, but only to under 25's... :(


oh, and if its SOAR as in the Southey and Owlerton thing, I don't think were covered under thier area...

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Thanks, that would be great... But is there an age limit on these? i'm just turned 28, and alot of places stop helping when you hit 25, like the jobcentre things, there's courses and funds/grants available for further education and training, but only to under 25's... :(


oh, and if its SOAR as in the Southey and Owlerton thing, I don't think were covered under thier area...

I'm 41, I wouldn't worry yourself.:thumbsup:
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Depending on where you live you may be able to go to ZEST and get the SOAR equivalent.

They have workers who will help with your CV and look at what training you require. they work with people who face barriers to employment.

Call them on 2011490

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Not neccesarily. A friend of mine has a degree and an MA and has been applying for jobs for over two years and hasn't even had a interview.


There could still be an issue with his CV. Alternatively, is his degree/MA in a really obscure area?

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:Hi KR, your friend can get adult career advice inc. Cv review, application advice, interview skills, training & funding etc. from any organisation delivering Next Step which is a national service, can let you have contact numbers and names if you like, just pm me.:)

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First of all at 28 yrs old there is absalutly no need what so ever to have ADHD on your CV, id remove it, My friends son has the same thing and although struggled at school he has got on very very well in the working world for exactly the reason you state, his mind is no longer bored in a classroom situation and therefore the issues he had at school arnt there in his working life and so arnt an issue.


Secondly have you asked the job centre if there is a course you can go on that will improve your chances? Surely after 2 yrs you must become elidgeable for something, especially as you are showing you are trying, government schemes arnt designed to kill your dreams, my other half went from minimum wage to 34 K on one (and he wasnt claiming for 2 yrs, it was a few months, but with a complaint of injury preventing him from doing his previous work)


Thirdly, whilst you are looking for a job, have you considered doing an online course to gain your GCSE's, they mean not alot, that is until you see a job application with none on. I know that this would be costly online, perhaps do it at a college for free.


I wish you all the luck in the world, I feel very grateful for the employment we have in our family, I have recently had to give my job up due to personal circumstances and I too am itching to earn for myself again, but at least my old man brings home the bacon, without him, id be as gutted as you.


Take that ADHD off the CV and see where you get.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello :-)


My little bit of advice would be for a friend or family member who can look over your CV and give you some constructive criticism. I found this really helpful, and once I had altered my CV with their advice, I started getting interviews almost immediately.

Also do some volunteering, it shows you are doing something constructive with your time while out of work, plus you may pick up some useful skills.

Your local job centre might be able to help or go to sheffieldvolunteercentre.org.uk


I hope this helps :-)

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