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Why is the British army still in Germany ?

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Which would you rather have?


A tour in NI (Get your arse shot off, if it doesn't rot off in the rain.)

A tour in Germany

A tour in the UK . sub-standard housing (per Harold Wilsod: "Nothing is too good for our troops ... let's give them nothing"


(Thatcher said 'If those buggers aren't going to give you somewhere decent to live, you'd better buy your own house.' - but didn't give them the money to do so.)


Your friends might've preferred a posting back home, but why should they have had to put up with abysmal housing? - And that's what was on offer.

When I quit the RN in 1966, veterans who had completed 22 years of service were entitled to buy a house interest free, financed by the government. MY best mate bought a boarding house in Falmouth this way. He rented to students and field workers outside the holiday season when he rented to holidaymakers. Along with a job as a civilian worker at RNAS Culdrose he did very well. Don't know if they still do that.
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When I was doing my service in the early 1960s West Germany was the posting for about 85 percent of National Servicemen.


I spent about 10 weeks at the Artillery depot in Woolwich on a course to qualify for my trade and then afterwards waiting to be posted


Every gunner returning to the depot from West Germany had nothing good to say about their time in W. Germany the main gripe being that there were too many field exercises and too much bull s**t in general


Since it was a time at the height of the cold war and British Army On The Rhine was a key part of NATO that would have been understandable


I was one of the lucky NS men to be offered a choice of posting but that backfired on me anyway

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If you want to send the troops from Germany to Afghanistan, what are you going to do with their families? - Are you going to send them to Afghanistan as well?


At the moment, there are some troops in Germany, some in the UK and some in Afghanistan.


Do you intend to send them all to Afghanistan all of the time?


Of course, British Soldiers are never supposed to be at home, they're always supposed to be in Afghanistan and because there's no housing for them in theUK, we should send their wives and children out there too.


Would you like to go first, Justin, just to make sure there are no problems?


Once you've got it all sorted out, send an e-mail and let us know.


I don`t quite know what point you`re making here.

Are you saying that the reason that the British Army has thousands of troops stationed in Germany (doing buggar all) is so that their families can stay with them ? ! ?

Furthermore, the fact I`m saying those troops would be more use in Afghanistan makes me some kind of heartless monster not thinking where their families would stay (with them) ?

It`s a good job they didn`t have the requirement that troops` families must live with them during WW2. Lets face it, D Day would have been an even bigger operation, having to get all the troops over there, and their families as well.......


I won`t be going to Afganistan for two reasons :

1 I`m not in the Army

2 I`m fully occupied here in Sheffield, in business generating taxes so we can afford to send anyone to Afghanistan, or anywhere else for that matter.

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two reasons both financial ,1 the germans make a contribution to the cost ,2 due to cut backs we have not got the accomadation over here to take them


Just to clarify, are you saying it`s actually saving us money having them over there ?

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