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This mickey mouse government has no authority

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So you think you know something about it do you?


What was all that about in the 1970s when Kinnock was trying to purge the party of the lunatic fringe?


Tony Blair was a smarmy 2 faced liar but he did more or less unite the party and has proved to be the only person who could make Labour electable for more than 35 years. He even convinced me to vote for him once.


Where and when was there a split? ooo there wasn't one..


I guess Longcol was right you do know naff all about it.

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Where and when was there a split? ooo there wasn't one..


I guess Longcol was right you do know naff all about it.


It warms the cockles of my heart to know that the Labour Party has plenty of people like yourself to guarantee they stay in opposition for many years to come.

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It warms the cockles of my heart to know that the Labour Party has plenty of people like yourself to guarantee they stay in opposition for many years to come.


I guess the tax breaks have been good for you, but where will you be finding customers for your products with everyone on middle to low incomes feeling the squeeze? You may not feel so smug about avoiding paying for the recession when you find the recession has gone on longer than need be.

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Since when have I ever cited a Trotskyist source?...... What were you saying about losing debates a few quotes previously :hihi:


Your quote is not comparing like for like. My source combined the approval and disapproval ratings, yours is only looking at the supporters.


(I assume this is your source):




Which doesn't throw any further light on what the figures mean.


What does a +28 approval rating mean? and how does that compare with Clegg? On its own the article and figures are incomparable and fairly meaningless.


As I pointed out earlier you quote an article written 3 weeks after the General Election and things have moved on quite a bit since then. But if those are the straws you need to grasp at go ahead. You and longcol can huff and puff and name call all you like but it won't alter the situation. The opinion polls show Cameron is held in high regard and if an election were called would be likely to be returned to power as head of a majority Conservative Government.

On the other hand the Lib/Dems have had a slating and would on current polling expect to be down to 18 seats in an election.


Just ask yourself are the L/Ds really going to rock the boat in those circumstances. Lie to yourself if you like. It doesn't alter the facts..:hihi::hihi:

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As I pointed out earlier you quote an article written 3 weeks after the General Election and things have moved on quite a bit since then. But if those are the straws you need to grasp at go ahead. You and longcol can huff and puff and name call all you like but it won't alter the situation. The opinion polls show Cameron is held in high regard and if an election were called would be likely to be returned to power as head of a majority Conservative Government.

On the other hand the Lib/Dems have had a slating and would on current polling expect to be down to 18 seats in an election.


Just ask yourself are the L/Ds really going to rock the boat in those circumstances. Lie to yourself if you like. It doesn't alter the facts..:hihi::hihi:


It is no wonder the LibDems approval ratings have plummeted, they have after all sold out their values for a shot of power. Cameron as your own article says has seen his disapproval ratings increase.


Those are precisely the conditions under which the LibDems should be looking at the cause of their losses and seeking some way to rectify them before they destroy themselves as a party. As it stands 75% of people don't think the coalition can last. It is early days yet, come Autumn when the level of cuts intended become even clearer the calls for the LibDems to start asserting themselves will become even clearer. Their party conference this year will certainly be an interesting one. :D

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