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This mickey mouse government has no authority

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The people of this country love to be caned.

If you get a decent person, who knows what they are about, running the show, they are reviled.

Get an incompetent bullying fool, like Thatcher or Cameron running it, and they are loved.

The average Englishman, it seems , loves to think of himself as a total wretch, undeserving of anything but the crumbs the rich man throws in his direction.

What a sad lot you are.


when have we ever had a decent person who knew what they were about running the show?

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Hunting with hounds is about control not eradication which can be the result of the death by road accidents suffered by many of our native species.


I will only and have only ever supported fox hunting for the purpose of controlling fox numbers for the express reason that hunting with hounds is the most effective and humane method of dispatching a fox. I have never supported fox hunting for sport, nor do I support any other methods of hunting with hounds as they use is not necessary e.g. stag hunting.

You did read my post which was concerning control and not eradication? I did attempt to explain that hunting with hounds is useless for pest controlling purposes but if you wish to ignore that fact then you're welcome to do so.
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The people of this country love to be caned.

If you get a decent person, who knows what they are about, running the show, they are reviled.

Get an incompetent bullying fool, like Thatcher or Cameron running it, and they are loved.

The average Englishman, it seems , loves to think of himself as a total wretch, undeserving of anything but the crumbs the rich man throws in his direction.

What a sad lot you are.


It's the stuff that empires are made of! The slaves used to mindlessly rally to the call of "For Queen and Country". Now they are a little more sophisticated, they need more sophisticated mantras to get them to obey, such as 'if you try and get a fairer division of wealth, you'll make yourself poorer by making the economy uncompetitive.'

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;6483176']You did read my post which was concerning control and not eradication? I did attempt to explain that hunting with hounds is useless for pest controlling purposes but if you wish to ignore that fact then you're welcome to do so.


What makes you come to that conclusion and when you reply I will tell you why you are wrong?

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More claptrap from the resident loonie leftie.


Fox hunting is not torture and the most humane method of controlling fox numbers as stated by the Royal Society of Veterinary Surgeons.



Still can't see how being ripped to bits by a pack of hounds is more humane than a bullet.:confused:

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What makes you come to that conclusion and when you reply I will tell you why you are wrong?


You have a lot of trouble with foxes I take it?

Enough to cause a change of Government because of it?

If that is all it takes then god help you.

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Still can't see how being ripped to bits by a pack of hounds is more humane than a bullet.:confused:


A bullet will not always kill out right and a shot fox can die in agony over a 12-24 hour period, compared to a hound that will kill the fox within a few seconds if not less. No marksman can guarantee a kill and that coupled with foxes be nocturnal and very wary of humans, getting close enough to kill one is almost impossible.


This is not my findings but those of The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, who’s reported stated hunting a fox with hounds is the most humane method to kill problem foxes.

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You have a lot of trouble with foxes I take it?

Enough to cause a change of Government because of it?

If that is all it takes then god help you.


Not really no. In the past my family has suffered at the hands of foxes. Losing livestock etc. You see I come from a farming background. I have seen firsthand the damage caused by foxes; I have seen the remains of lambs in the fields that have been torn to pieces by foxes. I have seen strong stable doors with panels ripped off by foxes trying to get at the chickens roosting inside. I have seen geese with nothing other than their head removed by foxes.


I have also hunted foxes and I know marksmen who's profession is the control of pest animals in the countryside. I have listened to them first hand speak of the difficulty in shooting a fox and the inaccuracy of using such a method to control foxes.


But don’t let just my informed and experienced opinion sway your view, let those who used to campaign against fox hunting have their say also:


After 13 years of discussing and debating this issue I found it impossible to ignore the truth and facts about hunting. I have come to despise the League Against Cruel Sports, even though I was its Chairman and Chief Executive, simply because these people know as well as I do that the abolition of hunting will not make any difference to the welfare of foxes, hares or deer."

Richard Course
- Former Chairman and Executive Director of the League Against Cruel Sports for thirteen years. Commenting in April 1998.


"Hunting is part of the country life and destroying it will put a lot of people out of work and be worse for the animals.
They will have to be shot instead - and that means many will be wounded
. We kill them outright."

Liz White
- Ex saboteur and former member of the League Against Cruel Sports who now hunts. 17 March 2003.


"What is often missing from the argument is a willingness to look at the full picture and to discuss the repercussions of a ban. One
thing is certain: if hunting with dogs is to be proscribed, other methods to kill foxes currently in use will take its place. These methods are not all preferable to hunting as far as the suffering of animals is concerned
and some will be harder, if not impossible, to bring to account."

James Barrington
- Executive Director of the League Against Cruel Sports from 1988 to December 1995. Tribune - 2nd May 200.


"Take away hunting and the management system will break down. Over the years, and many meetings with landowners and others, I have come to the conclusion that in the event of a total hunt ban, the deer population will be decimated. This view is shared by many, including some who remain independent on the hunting issue."

Graham Sirl
- Head of West Country Operations for the League Against Cruel Sports for nine years, and leaving in May 2001. Letter to regional press - 10th May 2001.


"I am aware that few of the total number of foxes killed each year are, in fact, accounted for by hunting with hounds, but that doesn’t make it any less a reasonable method of control.
Compared with shooting, gassing and trapping – which are often indiscriminate, often inefficient and clearly detrimental to other wildlife – give me hunting any day."

Mark Halford
- Ex hunt saboteur and former member of the LACS and Hunt Saboteurs Association. Daily Telegraph – 8th April 2000.


"I urge your readers to think carefully about the likely animal welfare implications of a ban on ‘sport’ hunting. For those who genuinely seek improvements all is not lost however. Indeed, by placing all hunting under the strict control of a statutory licensing system, and by amending existing legislation, it will be possible to generally improve wild mammal welfare as opposed to allowing the current situation to degenerate into chaos."

Miles Cooper
- Representative and investigator for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, the League Against Cruel Sports, the International Fund for Animal Welfare and the Campaign for Protection of Hunted Animals for twelve years, leaving in May 2002. Letter to regional press - July 2002.

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