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Lying to kids about heaven.. why insult their intelligence? ?

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It is not me, but you that is claiming truth.

You say that it is truth that only oblivion lies ahead.

That there is no future.

You prove that to me.

For you are wrong.

As I have previously addressed, I consider factual things to be anything that I can see, touch taste, smell and hear, these are the things that I know(not choose to believe), but know to be true. They are actually real. Whereas, I only have the option of choosing to believe that my missus is telling me the truth when she tells me that she loves me, I have no way of knowing for sure.. but I choose to believe it. But I would want her to tell me that she loved me if I knew she didn't?.. NO! Would I want her to stay with me on the pretence that she loved me knowing that she didn't?.. NO!. If I was to tell my kids that mummy loves daddy very much and we'll always be together when in actuality I only choose to believe that, would I be telling them a fact based truth.. NO!
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Instead of being patronising (hard, I know), how about you explain your point, as I clearly said I missed it.
I'm not being patronising. You made a claim that I had said something that I hadn't, which I corrected you on. If you re-read the post my point will become more than clear to you.
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As I have previously addressed, I consider factual things to be anything that I can see, touch taste, smell and hear, these are the things that I know(not choose to believe), but know to be true. They are actually real. Whereas, I only have the option of choosing to believe that my missus is telling me the truth when she tells me that she loves me, I have no way of knowing for sure.. but I choose to believe it. But I would want her to tell me that she loved me if I knew she didn't?.. NO! Would I want her to stay with me on the pretence that she loved me knowing that she didn't?.. NO!. If I was to tell my kids that mummy loves daddy very much and we'll always be together when in actuality I only choose to believe that, would I be telling them a fact based truth.. NO!

You rely on all things sensual.


Look into a clear night sky.

See all the millions of stars and galaxies out there.

Try to comprehend where it all came from.

From nothing.

Then think again.

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You rely on all things sensual.


Look into a clear night sky.

See all the millions of stars and galaxies out there.

Try to comprehend where it all came from.

From nothing.

Then think again.

My relationship with my family is based on sensuality yes,absolutely. But I'd require much more than a sense of sensuality before I attempted to make any claims to my kids about we(humans) moving on to an higher level of conciousness where we'll all be together when we die.


I also look with awe into the clear night sky often!. It has never influenced me to spoon feed my kids with the god/heaven theory.

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My relationship with my family is based on sensuality yes,absolutely. But I'd require much more than a sense of sensuality before I attempted to make any claims to my kids about we(humans) moving on to an higher level of conciousness where we'll all be together when we die.


I also look with awe into the clear night sky often!. It has never influenced me to spoon feed my kids with the god/heaven theory.


I give the game up then.

You have no soul.

All you look at is with the animal mind.


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I give the game up then.

You have no soul.

All you look at is with the animal mind.


I am an animal, as you are. We are just one species of many. Although we are the only species that i'm aware of blighted with the superiority complex.... I suppose it's a small price to pay for being human, the masters of all they survey.
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Great as that idea is, it is not the fact.

Unfortunately we are the greatest of the Great Apes.

The difference being that we, out of all the animals, has human intelligence.

A timeshift seems to have occurred with us.

Even our closest relatives, chimps, are millions of years behind us, what we have achieved since the end of the Ice Age is ... well, I don't know how to compare it, as there is no compare.


What are you on about?


In what way are chimps millions of years behind us?


How do you know we're not millions of years behind them?


What's to say that amoebas aren't the pinnacle of evolution?


You have an incredibly arrogant and blinkered view of the universe.


We are utterly insignificant in the grand scheme of things, billions of years went by before we existed, and billions of years will go by after we are all dead.

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It is not me, but you that is claiming truth.

You say that it is truth that only oblivion lies ahead.

That there is no future.

You prove that to me.

For you are wrong.


We're saying nothing lies ahead. that is not a positive statement it is a negative one.


You are saying something (as in not nothing) is lying ahead after we die.


You are the one making a claim and thus you are the one with whom the burden of proof rests.

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