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Swollen Jaw-Advice

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yesterday I noticed when I was putting my earplug in at night that my ear hurt inside. Ive had ear infections before and it wasnt like that. It felt more like when you touch a swollen red spot on your face!


Tonight when I clench my jaw together it hurts at the side just below my ear (like where your top and bottom jar touch together. Also in that area my face has swollen abit. Not noticeable unless you look really hard.


There is no swelling IN my mouth or around my wisdom tooth, and my gums dont feel sort to touch. It doesnt hurt to swallow.


My ear still hurts if i touch inside or if i press on the outisde of it just above my treagus(sp?)


So is it ear related or dental related? and what do I do?

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If it is no better in the morning I will have to phone nhs direct to see whether I need to see an out of hours doctors or an out of hours dentist as I generally dont know.

From experience as soon as someone mentions a swollen face they send them to the dentist.


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If it is no better in the morning I will have to phone nhs direct to see whether I need to see an out of hours doctors or an out of hours dentist as I generally dont know.

From experience as soon as someone mentions a swollen face they send them to the dentist.


Well I always fall into Sheffields hardest done to pile but then again we work hard and pay our taxes....trust truthwillout here you aint seeing no dentist for nothing unles cancer is tearing your teeth from their roots.


My daughter gets a tooth issue, I have a dentist, they cant see her, (she is 6 when this is happening) it takes 2 days to get her an emergancy appointment with a dentist over the other side of town Even though we have our own family dentist...This I can bare, travelling from one end of town to the other in the february snow with 3 kids....)what I cant bare is another week passing my baby girl coping with some **** packing and plenty of painkillers what the dentist the time before gave.....


But then my own dentist saying NO!!!!!!!!! "I CANT REMOVE THE TOOTH TODAY I WASNT AWARE" WHEN ID RANG THE ******* RECEPTIONIST UP TWICE TO INFORM HER OF MY DAUGHTERS AILMENT and forthcomming appointment. I CANT BARE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Lazey!


I didnt leave the dentists surgery that day, Id had enough of being passed from one pillar to another post.. I would have removed her tooth myself I told her in no uncertain terms that what we had here was a child in agony and all she was concerned about was sending her cheque home to her parents at the end of the month...with this the dentist performed a 30 second manovre on my daughters tooth, job was a good un, just like it wudda been when I was her age! Im fed up of getting my dentist to do as I say by informing them I pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No none actually cares anymore, you only have to look at how our police are made to deal with real life incidents in the most unacceptable ways that are clear on their faces they dont agree with, its like working at Mcdonalds when you prefer KFC.

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Errrr, well Im glad they sorted your daughters tooth in the end. But not sure how any of that rant relates to me lol


In fairness a swollen jaw is normally a sign of an abcess so no wonder they will prob send me to the dentist :/

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