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Anglo american friendship

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I don't know if anyone could wield such poiwer to influence major world events merely by expressing their opinion on Sheffield forum. :hihi:


So why have opions then, if you don't tell anyone about them and try to convince them to your way of thinking?

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So why have opions then, if you don't tell anyone about them and try to convince them to your way of thinking?


In my case, I express my opinion for several reasons. It gets things off my chest, gives me a rough idea of where I stand in relation to other people and - on those occasions when the replies are intelligent and civil - gives me new perspectives.


However, after four years and numerous debates on here, I am pretty much convinced that the chances of changing the opinion of a person with an opposing view are just about zero, never mind achieving something so grandiose as 'driving a wedge' between Britain and the USA.

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We're always going to feel we have a 'special relationship' with the USA, no matter how they feel in return. Great Britain spawned the country and ran it for many years and most of the early settlers were from the countries of the British Isles. They're like one of our own kids and even if they sometimes do things we don't like, we still love them!


They may appear to be taking all, and doing nowt in return, but that's what happens with your kids. They leave home, repudiate your guidance, feel faintly embarrassed by you, and think they don't need you anymore. But when push comes to shove, they come running back for your help.


That's us and the USA. They're still our favourite child and always will be, imo.


I have heard our "special relationship" described many ways but I think this might be my very favorite.

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Did this so called 'special relationship' start after the war when we fought for 5 years then the Yanks came in and 'won the war for us' and took all the glory?


Surely we are not still indebted to them after 65 years?


Lets face it they are not even the super power they once were. Cameron would be better off forging a relationship with one of the other up and coming super powers.India for instance.

Anyway shouldn't we just try to get ok with everyone instead of throwing our weight about and getting stuck in to other peoples business and risking the lives of our soldiers who have no say in whether we go to war or we dont.



I thought you lot gave "The Jewel in the Crown" back to them a while ago ?

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Who, by the way, kinda take exception to the sentiment that



"Great Britain spawned the country"


Just leave it! Now the empire has gone, such delusions are the only thing left to satisfy the national addiction to feeling more important than people from other countries. If you take that away too, you could invoke a national identity crisis with serious repurcusions, :hihi:

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Did this so called 'special relationship' start after the war when we fought for 5 years then the Yanks came in and 'won the war for us' and took all the glory?


Surely we are not still indebted to them after 65 years?


Lets face it they are not even the super power they once were. Cameron would be better off forging a relationship with one of the other up and coming super powers.India for instance.

Anyway shouldn't we just try to get ok with everyone instead of throwing our weight about and getting stuck in to other peoples business and risking the lives of our soldiers who have no say in whether we go to war or we dont.




Why forge a special relationship with India or for that matter China or Brazil two other emerging powers?


Why does Britain need special relationships anyway?


The people you should be forging an ever closer reltionship to are your EU partners across the channel.


So many people in Britain though seem reluctant to back this idea and the Conservative party have always been more or less anti-European but Britain's future like it or not is tied to Europe just as I believe because of the global economy the future of the USA is becoming more and more tied to that of Asia and latin America and in fact has already been for at least two decades


As for soldiers having a right to say whether to go to war or not is just plain loony. When it comes to that point just disband the whole army and send them home to find jobs in civvy street

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