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Anglo american friendship

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Though death and darkness gather all about me

And my ship be torn apart upon the seas

I shall smell again the fragrance of these islands

In the heaving waves that brought me once to thee

And should I return safe home again to England

I shall watch the English mist roll through the dell


For you are beautiful

And I have loved you dearly

More dearly than the spoken word can tell



A Roger Whitaker fan no less. I like his songs too.


I gotta leave old Sheffield town,

I gotta leave old Sheffield town

I gotta leave old Sheffield town

And this leavings gonna get me down


Back in 1944 I remember daddy walking out the door,

Momma told me he was going to war,

He was leaving,

Leaving, leaving me.


I gotta leave old Sheffield town,

I gotta leave old Sheffield town'

I gotta leave old Sheffield town

And this leaving's gonna get me down


When I was a boy I spent my time;

Sitting on the banks of the river Don

Watching all the ships going down the line

They were leaving,

leaving leaving me


I gotta leave old Sheffield town,

I gotta leave old Sheffield town

I gotta leave old Sheffield town

And this leaving's gonna get me down


Last week momma passed away

Goodbye son was all she'd say.

There's no call for me to stay

So i"m leaving, leaving free


Now I gotta leave old Sheffield town,

I gotta leave old Sheffield town

I gotta leave old Sheffield town

And this leaving's gonna get me down

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I really don't. I just find it hard to get my head round why people who used to live here and now don't and haven't for years and dislike and disdain the country of their birth and its people as much as you lot do, even bother to come here at all.


I think it's just bloody rude, quite honestly.


You over do the dislike and disdain bit. Stop wearing it out. I respond in kind to posts. Civility begets civility with me


When some know all whose never been further than his local fish and chip shop starts making spurious and rude commenst about the country I've called home for 45 years I consider it my duty to set him straight on a few facts.


That's all there is to it basically

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It's natural that there has to be some arguing or differences of opinion on a forum it it is to stay interesting.


I sometimes visit on another forum, done a few posts, had one or two intersting exchanges with other members but it's basically a small chat forum, full of very nice people who generraly always agree whole heartedly with each other. To express a difference of opinion is guaranteed to make the others all suddenly freeze up and the discussion suddenly comes to a dead end.


I dont see a forum like that growing in membership and to the contrary probably withering on the vine eventually

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He looked a bit like a bad tempered frog in a grey suit?


It was all very matey, didn't you think? Dave this and Barack that, lots of smiley faces. That was why Kirsty was so taken aback, and she's not often at a loss for words believe me.


By the way, have you looked at the thread about Sheffield on the Unclycopaedia? It even mentions SF! Think it was shaznay that posted it, it's hilarious and so is the one for Leeds, which mentions something about Americans, you'll like. Honest!

linky ... http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=615519&highlight=shaznay

I read everything in it rom Sheffield to Shottingham. It was hilarious. It not only mentions SF , it tells the truth. Now you can get me banned, Ruby:):)
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I have heard our "special relationship" described many ways but I think this might be my very favorite.
I'm beginninng to agree with Rubydazzler, that will never do. I'm even laughing at the Donkey. Bray on, old friend, next time I see thee I'll bring thee a carrot:)
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The French pronounce it "Airb" which is the correct way since the word was taken from their language in the first place.


Any other way of pronouncing it is just plain schlocky so practice your pronunciation standing in front of a mirror until you get it absolutely correct


My pronunciation of the english language is damn near perfect, though clearly yours has suffered.:roll:

Anyway after i posted that i finally decided to do a bit of research and you're right you lot did get this among other things from the french and as it turns out so did we only we decided to use the original latin pronunciation rather than the european corruption.:P

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