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Anglo american friendship

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Comes from the German word Schlockengeggenheimenhausterfur which was used by a German immigrant in New York in 1897 when he first heard the word "herb" mispronounced by an American


A loose translation would mean "Blimey what a cockeyed way to pronounce a simple word"


The word was later down through the years shortened to "Schlocky"


Surely that is not one word.

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What I am about to write has nothing or very little to do with this thread, but I'm going to write it anyway. Two weeks ago our middle son, his wife, and his three kids took the long road to Florida to live. It looked like a scene from the Grapes of Wrath and was for a similar reason. Dave had returned from Iraq and been unable to find work for over a year. Now my wife wants us to join the ranks of the "Snowbirds" people who live half a year in Florida and the rest in the North. You don't have to guess which half goes where. People who vacation in Florida are often British eager for a little sun, but Florida is unpleasant in the summer. Go to Arizona for sun, its dry there, or even heaven forbid, California. She wants to do this because we have another nearly identical family living five mies away from us in Connecticut. My problem is I love my house and this state.I'm not passionate about Florida, and don't mind being a million miles away from Dave. I'd have to sell the house and either buy or rent two houses and keep paying site rent for both yearly. But my wife loves the grandkids, as I do myself, and I hate to see her unhappy. The Point? Life can be hard sometimes even in Paradise.


Oh that's a tough one it would be a great shame for you to have to leave somewhere you love especially for somewhere you don't have much interest in.

Perhaps you and your wife could come to some sort of amicable arrangement somewhere in the middle, what is a snowbird is that an attempt to avoid the snow or go to the snow?.

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Maybe we should have our own forum meet up over here! We could do it somewhere in the middle....like Kansas or Oklahoma or better yet....Vegas Baby!!!! Buck and Poppins could come down from Connecticut, Harleyman and Sierra from California, HappyHoosier from Indiana, me from NC and That Yank and USUK from where ever they are..(sorry, not sure I've ever known!) Alien could join us if he is in the colonies at the time and any other SFers who happen to be stateside when we set it up.


What do you say??




I'll go for it but it would have to be next year sometime but not Vegas in the summer. I've lived too long in the heat and that place in June, July and August is a frying pan. The fall would be nice and Vegas isn't so crowded then

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I wouldn't waste your time trying to speak in received pronunciation it's not worth the effort as it doesn't represent a real english accent, i find it annoying that i often sound like an evil villain from a hollywood film.

I don't see how that latinish phrase applies to my post i was not attempting to degrade you in any way i have always found the mispronunciation of the word herb annoying.

But now that i know it's origin i can hear and cringe a bit less, i was also interested to find various other latin words that we nicked from the french which also have silent aitches that we didn't decide to restore to the latin.



Well it depends whose saying the word "herb"


The French pronounce it "Airb"


A Scotsman might pronounce it "Orrrb" and a New Yorker from the Bronx might pronounce it "oyb"


As for someone from China, Japan or India I'll leave that to your imagination

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What I am about to write has nothing or very little to do with this thread, but I'm going to write it anyway. Two weeks ago our middle son, his wife, and his three kids took the long road to Florida to live. It looked like a scene from the Grapes of Wrath and was for a similar reason. Dave had returned from Iraq and been unable to find work for over a year. Now my wife wants us to join the ranks of the "Snowbirds" people who live half a year in Florida and the rest in the North. You don't have to guess which half goes where. People who vacation in Florida are often British eager for a little sun, but Florida is unpleasant in the summer. Go to Arizona for sun, its dry there, or even heaven forbid, California. She wants to do this because we have another nearly identical family living five mies away from us in Connecticut. My problem is I love my house and this state.I'm not passionate about Florida, and don't mind being a million miles away from Dave. I'd have to sell the house and either buy or rent two houses and keep paying site rent for both yearly. But my wife loves the grandkids, as I do myself, and I hate to see her unhappy. The Point? Life can be hard sometimes even in Paradise.



Cant say I like Florida much myself. I have a sister living there and we've been to visit her three times over the years but never in summer. All the houses have their patios and pools enclosed behind wire mesh screens which tells you what the bugs must be like at the height of summer. There are no mountains either and I must be near mountains as well as the ocean which is why I like California. The summers are long and hot here but the dry desert heat can be tolerated much better than the humidity.


I wouldn't mind living up around your way except for the winters. During my time in Canada I often took weekend trips to Vermont and upstate New York.

Lake Champlain was the nearest thing to a seaside beach and Burlington was a pleasane little New England town


The French-Canadians from Montreal also liked Lake Champlain but you could always tell when a party of them had spent a day there by the number of empty beer cans floating around in the water

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Oh that's a tough one it would be a great shame for you to have to leave somewhere you love especially for somewhere you don't have much interest in.

Perhaps you and your wife could come to some sort of amicable arrangement somewhere in the middle, what is a snowbird is that an attempt to avoid the snow or go to the snow?.

Its a term that refers generally to retired citizens who don't care to face a Northern winter. They are normally people from the Eastern and Central border states, and often Canadians as well. Florida has a massive elderly population, and its easy to find reasonably priced properties to spend the winter months in. Then back up to the North from may to november where the climate is usually quite pleasant. Florida is a dog in the summer. too hot and too humid, anyone who has breathing problems is wise to avoid it.
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Come on down to NC, Buck and I'll show you and the Missus around! Its lovely....where I live we've got the mountains about 2 hours to the west and the beach about 3 1/2 hours to the east. We get less than 5 inches of snowfall annually and you'll be halfway between Connecticut and Florida.


We'd love to have you!!!!

Could you send me a PM and let me know what town or county,so I can research it on the net, We want to know about cost of living, the episcopal churches, possibility of a 55 over mobile home park and other stuff. Thanks a lot for your kind offer.:)
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