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Minimum basic wage to be scrapped.

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Its more likely to be replaced rather than scrapped or lowered.


There have been rumblings for some time that the NMW may be replaced with something along the lines of 'Acceptable living wage'


If that is the case, what it will be set at is anybodys guess but it has long been considered that the NMW has allowed employers to take advantage of the low wage structure of the NMW.

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Its more likely to be replaced rather than scrapped or lowered.


There have been rumblings for some time that the NMW may be replaced with something along the lines of 'Acceptable living wage'


If that is the case, what it will be set at is anybodys guess but it has long been considered that the NMW has allowed employers to take advantage of the low wage structure of the NMW.


YES. You have obviously been appartied to the same information as I , except that you believed the spin. NMW to be scrapped..I REPEAT!

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I wonder how much the current incumbents will be able to steal from the working people before they eventually wake up and fight back.




It would be impossible to steal more from the working man than the Last failed Labour government did.

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I wonder how much the current incumbents will be able to steal from the working people before they eventually wake up and fight back.


The last lot managed 13 years.


Families have become poorer under Labour


Labour's economic record will come under attack from the Tories today as figures reveal that families are worse off than they were five years ago.


Shadow Chancellor George Osborne will say that since the last election in 2005, national income per person has collapsed by £281.


It is the first time since at least the 1950s that the figure has fallen over the course of a full Parliament.




Hard working families penalised in order to benefit hardly working families. That's the NuLabour approach.

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Different day same right wing propoganda!:loopy:


They are still right though. You claim minimum wage is being abolished with no proof. I could equally claim that it's being raised to £20/hour and the claim would be equally valid until one of us gave evidence.

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The trouble with the minimum wage, is in its very definition.

It implies low achievement and poverty.

Until we become a decent enough society to treat all people equally, these strata will continue to exist.

The true mantra should be,

To each according to his needs, from each according to his ability.


Then we would see a free and equal society.

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I don't believe they'll scrap it, but that they will not raise as per the linked viewpoint.


The ridiculous things is that this then increases the Benefit bill as people will be entitled to around 95% of their loss in extra benefit.


If they want to cut the benefit bill, then they should increase the minimum wage.


Silly sods, when is the next election due.http://www.church-poverty.org.uk/news/toriesminimumwage

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