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Are you holidaying at home or abroad this year?

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I was reading this morning that bookings to the Costa Del sol by Brits are down by about 10% and the Spanish Tourist Industry are targeting Germans as I guess those holidays are more cost effective for them as they dont have to change currency.

This must be enormously beneficially to The British Tourist Industry, particularly Camp site owners where you cant get on a good UK camp site for love nor money in the 6 weeks holidays.


Apart from our weather which is always so unpredictable, wouldn't it be better if we holidayed at home much more. Look at the benefits.


We would cut down enormously on carbon emissions by not travelling by plane.

We spend ( possibly) less time travelling and get to our destinations sooner( not always the case if going down the M5!!)

British Businesses who in the past had a raw deal when it came to competing with abroad will make more money and then pay more taxes as a result.


I am sure there are more that others can add.


There are so many beautiful places here even in Yorkshire and we can compete with the rest of Europe on some of the sights that we have.


I accept that we cant guarantee the weather but buying British brings lots more benefits.Oh and anyway, too much son causes skin cancer:roll:


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I would say home as you will be spending GB pounds.Maybe it feels like abroad from Dahn south!


Scotland almost feels like home as this is our fourth holiday there in a row. If only I could get the coach to detour through my real homeland...........

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