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Is nudity offensive?

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An interesting topic. I think people in the northern hemisphere wear clothes because it is bloody freezing most of the time.


There are several tribes in warmer parts of the globe that wear next to nothing. They always seem to cover their genitalia though! This has always been a mystery to me. Is this to do with religion or just plain modesty?


That's a good point paulwilliams, someone mentioned earlier the practical application of clothes to keep warm through necessity. But as you say why do tribes in warmer climes feel the need to cover up? I think Dr Livingston might have a lot to answer for ;)

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On the topic. Have you noticed that the Human race is the only species on the planet which has a need, or a desire to wear clothes. Hmmmm :huh:


Where some of us are concerned that is definatly a blessing .


I wouldnt want to mentally scare people for life with my body on show.:hihi:


Though , im more than happy for fit, toned ladies to show off their , erm, delights on the beach .:heyhey::heyhey::heyhey:

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Enrique Iglesias does not think so.

He will water ski nude in the dark in the USA.

Reason; Spain won the world cup.


Good on you Enrique.


I bet he has as much attention as the "whole" of the photographers in the whole of the UNIVERSE!!


Better news than anything BP can conure up

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I don't think it's offensive as such, there's just an overwhelming sense of awkwardness about it, Heightened most probably by the media/mainstreams subtle yet highly effective conditioning techniques.


Isn't this the reason why flaunting our underwear in public usually results in 'eeeeek!, yet swimwear gets a resounding wah-hey!.. how bizaar.

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