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Are you a good person?

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Most thieves and murderers would consider themselves to be good people, according to their own lights; so as Medusa says, without some definition of good and bad, there is no way of making a sensible contribution.


But can't you see, that's what I'm asking; what criteria does everyone think you need to be able to define yourself as 'good'...?

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I have never broken the law, never two timed, never harmed anyone, never deliberately set out to hurt anyones feelings or hurt them physically, tried to ignore those who deliberately set out to harm me and backed out of many potential fights or arguments even though I KNEW I would have won hands down and without even breaking sweat and I do my utmost to make those around me happy or feel better when theyre down so yeah... I reckon I`m pretty good.


Boring, isnt it...?


Fine human being that you are Jabbers (and that is sincerely meant by the way) the fact that you've never knowingly broken the law doesn't account for much.

It's entirely possible to be a good person and break the law. They aren't mutually exclusive.

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Fine human being that you are Jabbers (and that is sincerely meant by the way) the fact that you've never knowingly broken the law doesn't account for much.

It's entirely possible to be a good person and break the law. They aren't mutually exclusive.


Thank you for that!


I must say that I know a lot of stirling examples of humanity who have been in the nick.

Having said that I know some nasty pieces of work who have no criminal record so I suppose its all relative!

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As with everything being good or bad is relative!

One concept to go by is "Karma", whereby if one does things to others in the way he/she would want others to treat them only the good would propagate through society.

Its clear this concept works and i try to follow it because if its clear benefits for everyone - i think this strive to propagate good and not to cause grief to others is what makes me good. No one is perfect and I as every one else have bad days and bad moods, but i think as long as the intention to be good is there - you cant go too far wrong!

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One concept to go by is "Karma", whereby if one does things to others in the way he/she would want others to treat them only the good would propagate through society.

Its clear this concept works



The problem with it is the "prisoner's dilemma" paradox. If everyone else in society is behaving in this manner, I would be far more successful in my life by being selfish, than I would by joining them.

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