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Are you a good person?

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As with everything being good or bad is relative!

One concept to go by is "Karma", whereby if one does things to others in the way he/she would want others to treat them only the good would propagate through society.

Its clear this concept works and i try to follow it because if its clear benefits for everyone - i think this strive to propagate good and not to cause grief to others is what makes me good. No one is perfect and I as every one else have bad days and bad moods, but i think as long as the intention to be good is there - you cant go too far wrong!


I'm with you on the karma thing. Before I do certain things I try to imagine what I'd feel like if someone did that to me.


I have some good attributes; I'm fiercely loyal, faithful, reliable, honest... but then I can also be moody, impatient and quick tempered. I try to be good to the people I care about and try not to be mean to people I intensely dislike, I never steal, don't cheat and I don't lie, BUT I don't feel as though this makes me a good person, I feel it just means I'm a decent one.

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This is a tough philosophical question! i have never classified myself as a good person though i am told by family and friends that i am, i have known people that i would call good people and i don't see myself measuring up.

I have lived my life by a code of conduct that has at times allowed me to do bad things for a good cause but i have never expected myself to be metaphorically forgiven for those actions or believe that i deserve to be.

So i guess what i'm saying is that while i strive to be a good person that doesn't necessarily mean i can ever achieve that goal or that i feel it's even possible.

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'Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either, but right through every human heart, and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. Even within hearts overwhlemed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained; and even in the best of all hearts, there remains a small corner of evil.' - Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

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I'd like to think Im a good person, but whether I am or not is for other people to notice. I have good points but also bad, my job is taking care of people, listening to them, empathising with them and making sure they are safe and comfortable whilst under my care, Im also a wife and a mother which I think I dont do too bad at. Im genuinely an ok person, treat people how I would like to be treat myself, but then theres the other side of me which doesnt stand for fools.

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I try to be a 'good' person, but everyone has made mistakes and has faults so no one is indeed 'good' by the standard definition.. they can be 'good' compared to most though..


But just like the old saying "no matter how bad things get, there's always someone worse off", the same can be said "no matter how good you are, there's always someone better" - that works for everything in life...

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