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Adviced needed urgently - unauthorised bank transaction

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I went to check my bank on saturday morning just before going shopping, i had already paid all my bills and worked it out that i should have £65.15 left out of my money but to my suprise i only had £18.15. So i phoned my bank and they said that a transaction had gone out at the amount of £47.50 and i told them i had'nt got a clue what it was for. so i decided to leave it untill my statement had updated. So this morning i went to check on my bank and suprise suprise it showed up, the £47.50 had gone to something called the "Loan centre", i have never heard of them in my life so how the hell did they get my bank details?


Please help me, if anyone has had similar issues please let me know how to go about it.



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You could have had your card details cloned or something. That will give all the info. I had it happened to me and the thief paid a total of £100 to a phone company I dont use. Fortunately the bank picked up on it and i got it back.

You will be able to claim it back. You just have to sign a declaration that it was definitely not you who authorised the payment.

Same with direct debit. My husband had talk talk help themselves to his bank account for a payment, even though he had a payment plan set up with them that didnt go through his bank. The bank were more than helpful as if they are letting people just take money without signed agreement from the account holder its not going to be good for business.


Dont fret too much, the bank will do everything to help as they need your custom. Account theft is all too common unfortunately.Pop in in person if you can.

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I had this on my Credit Card a few months ago.


They made small transactions for a few months which I didn't notice then spent £200 which I did notice. I then stopped my cards, the £200 + other smaller amounts was refunded after a few weeks.


Unusual for it to happen on a current account which people check more regularly.


When you click on the transaction online does it have more details?


Maybe someone has applied for a loan in your name, bought the item/items and it is then discovered to be fraudulent, loan stopped but scrote has his/her items.


Maybe this company?



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i have done, i have contacted them this morning by email as i dont have a landline.


you have to call them, they cant discuss anything by email even if you do include details to identify yourself, as email is not a secure form of communication.


ring them asap as if someone has obtained your details fraudulently you have to put a stop to it asap

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