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Calls from Microsoft Help


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what if they don't ring you....what if you go on Microsoft site looking for a phone number and are directed to one of these sites ...then the scam starts...this happened to me two weeks ago


You won't have been directed to a scam site/phone number from the official MS website. :roll:

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I had a similar call saying he was from Microsoft. So I said "yes I am having problem with my PC, how do you know" to which he replied "we've received an error report from your PC, is your PC on?". I replied "no", he then asked if I could switch it on to which I replied "no". He said "I need you to switch the PC on to sort the problem". I said "that's the problem, my PC wont switch on". He hung up.

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well resident I can assure you that is exactly what happened


So you're expecting us to believe that Microsoft, a multi-billion dollar legitimate company is complicit in a world-wide fraud campaign?


Don't be silly.


Oh and for reference, I've used the MS numbers on several occasions on behalf of friends/family. Not once have I been forwarded to a scam site/phone number.


Poor troll is poor.

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what if they don't ring you....what if you go on Microsoft site looking for a phone number and are directed to one of these sites ...then the scam starts...this happened to me two weeks ago


don't recall saying Microsoft were part of scam.


As the Bold do you honestly think that anything goes onto MS's own Website and they don't know about it?

If you say no then you are dafter than you sound but if you say yes and what you say happened then MS are involved:loopy::roll:

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don't recall saying Microsoft were part of scam.


what if they don't ring you....what if you go on Microsoft site looking for a phone number and are directed to one of these sites ...then the scam starts...this happened to me two weeks ago


Here in your first post you state clearly that you went on the MS site for a contact number and was given a scam number


well resident I can assure you that is exactly what happened


After I told you that it wouldn't happen as you described you posted the above to reiterate that it did. So not only have you implied once that MS were involved, you've categorically insisted that it did once questioned about it.

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The best way when they ring up is to tell them that the PC is upstairs in the loft space and the phone is downstairs



'Ring Ring' Hello

This is xxxxxx about your computer being infected can you please turn it on

Just a moment its upstairs and the phone is down here I will go and turn it on just a minute

put phone down on side and go and put kettle on wait 2 mins

Lift phone Hello its on

Right will you go and do xxxxxxxxx

OK just a min put phone down on side go and pour water into coffee powder or tea ad sugar and milk walk back and pick up phone

Hell did you say do yyyyyyy

No you need to do xxxxxxxxx

Ah OK just a min




Do you get the idea?

I once kept someone on the phone for 25 mins and when they asked for the credit card details I said I don't think so I am an officer for the South Yorkshire Fraud Squad while I've been keeping you busy my team here in my house have been tracing your number and some one will be knocking on your door in the next 30 seconds



What does it gain you? Even as entertainment, it's a bit poor. Really, it's just a waste of you're own time.


Wouldn't a quick, cut to the chase "look, I know you're a scammer, now f**k off and scam someone else" then hang up, work better?

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