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Nick Clegg tells Commons that the Iraq war was illegal

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He is wrong ........... i fully believe the war was perfectly justified




So you think you know better than the deputy prime minister? Think not!


All you know is what you've been told by the media!

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Must be true then? :huh:


Some of us worked it out 7 years ago, without the help of the Great and Good in Westminster.


But keep on scratching your head and trying to form an opinion of your own (stop if it starts to hurt).




My personal belief is that Saddam had to be disposed of ,and the job had to be done


Why? It's been conclusively proven that he had no WMDs, nor any connection to 9/11.


If it's democracy and human rights you're worried about, why don't you argue for an invasion of China?


Oh, I forgot, they supply us with all of our cheap plastic tat, plus (much more importantly) they'd kick our asses!


We only invade counties that have a military budget smaller than Gazza's bar tab.


This new "flexible morality" is wonderful isn't it?

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I don't see why the legality of this war still gets questioned since we all know now and knew then that it was illegal.


The question of justifiability is more worthy of debate!, do we think civilian deaths in the region of 100,000 - 150,000 are acceptable for an illegal war based on dubious and as we now know wrong information.

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Some of us worked it out 7 years ago, without the help of the Great and Good in Westminster.


But keep on scratching your head and trying to form an opinion of your own (stop if it starts to hurt).






Why? It's been conclusively proven that he had no WMDs, nor any connection to 9/11.


If it's democracy and human rights you're worried about, why don't you argue for an invasion of China?


Oh, I forgot, they supply us with all of our cheap plastic tat, plus (much more importantly) they'd kick our asses!


We only invade counties that have a military budget smaller than Gazza's bar tab.


This new "flexible morality" is wonderful isn't it?


I agree with you, for once.


But "flexible morality" is nothing new when it comes to foreign policy.

Like the British funded chemical factory that was used to produce mustard gas for ethnic cleansing 20 odd years ago.

Governments, in all but the most extreme cases, will always act in the interests of capital. The chance of gaining valuable contracts will always outweigh any quarms about human rights, etc.

It is the new imperialism. It's not as profitable as the old type, but it's the best they can do with the tired, old system.

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What's the problem here?


Clegg has made it clear that he believes the war was illegal before now, and is simply repeating it.


He hasn't suddenly changed his position, and millions of people agree with him.


The only issue seems to be that his remarks have embarassed Cameron, who dies not agree with them - that can only be a good thing.

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That's what happens when you leave the lapdog in charge. Mind you, the tail that wags the dog is goofing it up in the US.


It seems it is not just the lapdog, "David Cameron has been criticised after mistakenly saying the UK was the "junior partner" in the allied World War II fight against Germany in 1940."

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-10719739

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