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Nick Clegg tells Commons that the Iraq war was illegal

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Apparently, in an international court of law Clegg's statement at the dispatch box could be used as evidence. What an idiot.


he showed yesteday, he is well out of his depth as the leader of a major political party

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An idiot yes, however if a case did come up trying to prove that the war was illegal, someone saying it is illegal is not evidence of whether it is illegal or not.


Anything to defend your hero isn't it? Absolutely anything. :)


Philippe Sands, professor of law at University College London, said: "A public statement by a government minister in parliament as to the legal situation would be a statement that an international court would be interested in, in forming a view as to whether or not the war was lawful."




Clegg's remarks could be legally significant because he was standing at the government dispatch box in the Commons.

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But he was only expressing his opinion - not stating a legal fact - any international court that takes Clegg's opinion as fact needs to take a long look at itself


"He also seemingly forgot that he was speaking in Parliament as the acting head of government, and that his words could be interpreted as an official admission by the UK that the military action undertaken seven years ago was illegal. "


Don't forget he wasn't speaking for himself at the despatch box. He was speaking for the government of the UK. I happen to agree with what he said but he should not have said at at that time and in that place. Then again he is quite new in parliament. Isn't he?

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