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Come and play Korfball!


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If anyone is looking to get fit and meet some new people, come along to play Korfball! We're having an open night for new members on 22nd September. We train at Springs Leisure Centre, Myrtle Springs School.


No previous experience needed, complete beginners welcome.





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Originally posted by Robbie_Lovin

what does all this involve then?


here are 8 players in a Korfball team, 4 men and 4 women. The 40m x 20m court is split into 2 halves and to start the game the team is split into 2 groups of 4 (2 male and 2 female) in each end of the court. One of the 2 groups of 4 sets out in the teams attack zone whilst the other in the defence zone, matched against the attack and defence of the opposing team. The groups switch ends and roles after 2 goals are scored require players to have both attacking and defending skills.


The key rules


No running with the ball


A key rule which ensures that there has to be co-operation between players, so you cannot have a 'superstar' running around doing all the work while the others watch on. Players have to create scoring chances through passing, running and team co-operation.

No physical contact


Just like basketball !!!


No shooting whilst 'defended'


This is very much the key to the whole game. In sports like basketball and netball (of which Korfball is often wrongly described as a 'cross between') you can just dump a tall player under the basket or net and just keep delivering the ball up to them.


Not so in Korfball.


Basically an attacker is considered to be 'defended' when an opponent of the same sex (more on that later) fulfills the following 3 criteria;


1. They are between the attacker and the basket.

2. They are within arms length of the attacker.

3. They are actively trying to block the ball.


So even if you are 7 feet tall you can only shoot in Korfball if you are 'free' of your defender, which means you have to run around and co-operate with your team to create scoring chances like the rest of us.


You cannot hinder a member of the opposite sex

This means that the women are competing against the women and the men against the men, all within a fast and flowing team environment. Both have to co-operate with each other in order to succeed.

How do you score


In Korfball a 'goal' is scored when the ball passes through the opponents rattan basket which is mounted on a 3.5m pole, itself mounted within the court as opposed to at the end of it. Good shooting skills are essential and top players will be shooting from as far away as 10 metres in a game. In Korfball you don't score points, a goal is a goal. On average a team would expect to score between 10 - 15 goals in a game but more is possible.

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