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Britain was "junior partner" to US in fighting the Nazis

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You know all this what about 1776 and 1812 is ridiculous it means nothing, who where the American people ? originally British settlers..

How did American independence become possible, Because the British army had chasted the French out of America and any out side threat had been removed .

What was the deciding factor in America achieving independence, French support.

Why did the war of 1812 happen, because America had in support of Napoleon declared war on Britain and invaded Canada..


Is was also money that helped to decide matters. The 13 colonies were nowhere near as profitable as the West Indies were, so it was the priority of the British government to consolidate the West Indies. I'm not saying that the British did not want to keep the 13 colonies, but with war with the French on the horizon and the importance of West Indies it was not a priority.

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Is was also money that helped to decide matters. The 13 colonies were nowhere near as profitable as the West Indies were, so it was the priority of the British government to consolidate the West Indies. I'm not saying that the British did not want to keep the 13 colonies, but with war with the French on the horizon and the importance of West Indies it was not a priority.
It was also money that caused the British to support the Confederacy in the civil war, despite their own honorable ending of slavery. The weavers of Manchester needed cotton, and it doesn't thrive in the Northern states and certainly not in Manchester.. The South had a cheap labor force dragged unwillingly from Africa. So the rebs got all the Brown Betty's they needed. Luckily the North had breech loading carbines. As for the wars of independence I have often argued with Americans, especially those of non British ancestry, that the main reason America won the wars of independence was that they were,at the most, only two generations away from their British forebears and had all the fighting spirit of them. The French assisted by blockage more that anything, not committing troops to the wars. Many Americans hunted for survival and were expert marksmen. They also knew how to fight from cover. The willingness to die for your country's freedom beats that of fighting people of your own breed thousands of miles away from home. Think on it.
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It was also money that caused the British to support the Confederacy in the civil war, despite their own honorable ending of slavery. The weavers of Manchester needed cotton, and it doesn't thrive in the Northern states and certainly not in Manchester.. The South had a cheap labor force dragged unwillingly from Africa. So the rebs got all the Brown Betty's they needed.


I'm not sure that your information was correct for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the Union blockaded the ports and secondly the Confederates stopped exports to Britain in an effort to force the recognition of the Confederates.


Britain therefore had to make up the short fall from India. In an attempt to get cheaper cotton Britain and France encouraged Egypt to start a major cotton industry, which led to bankruptcy for Egypt when Britain and France returned to importing cheap imports from Southern USA after the civil war.

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He is not really a lord you know.

You dont have to doff your cap:love: in that strange american fashion.:hihi:



How about if i greet you in that other "strange American fashion".


A big Bronx cheer and the one finger salute :hihi:

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You should have been a real hero, and burned your draft card.

Done your time like a real man, Mohammed Ali for one (or Cassius Clay as you rednecks probably still call him);)


You may have won in vietnam if we had been there to show how warfare is done.It is a cetainty that the USA has never won a war without the British having done the work first.




Oh yeah! Jungle warfare how she should be fought huh?


Like the glorious victory over the Japanes army in the jungles of Malaya back in '41. You know. The way the Japanese were booted all the way back up the peninsula into Thailand


Where was General Percival when we needed him in the Nam?

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Yes I agree, it is getting too much, I am allowing my self to be drawn into discussions I do not want,therefore I am withdrawing.

One final word.

I have spent a lot of time in the USA, mostly on Cruise Liners, based in LA and San Francisco.

I love the country, and its people.

They are a happy go lucky, friendly bunch, espescially when on holiday.


They seem to change when they come on the internet, strange that. :confused:




I asked you in one post the reason for your long standing hostitlit to the USA.


Your rather lame response was that you did not like Obama or his administration but you know as well as I do that you have a long history on the forum of slagging off anything American even before Obama's time.


Why dont you 'fess up and stop hiding behind that keyboard.


You have no ancestral roots in Ireland and as for mentioning Sligo, the place of my mother's birth, i think the only connection with Sligo in your case is Sligo Street, downtown Beirut :D

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You know all this what about 1776 and 1812 is ridiculous it means nothing , who where the American people ? originally British settlers..

How did American independence become possible, Because the British army had chased the French out of America and any out side threat had been removed .

What was the deciding factor in America achieving independence, French support.

Why did the war of 1812 happen, because America had in support of Napoleon declared war on Britain and invaded Canada..




The American revolution was the inspiration for the French revolution a decade or so later.


The way the French revolutionaries saw it was that if the Americans could get rid of their despots so could they

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You know all this what about 1776 and 1812 is ridiculous it means nothing , who where the American people ? originally British settlers..

How did American independence become possible, Because the British army had chased the French out of America and any out side threat had been removed .

What was the deciding factor in America achieving independence, French support.

Why did the war of 1812 happen, because America had in support of Napoleon declared war on Britain and invaded Canada..



Completely wrong. Let's get the facts straight. A major cause of the war of 1812 was the British Navy's policy of boarding American ships at sea and removing any British born sailors who were serving on American ships and press ganging them into the Royal Navy. There had been quite a high desertion rate amongs British seamen from the Royal Navy due to the harsh diiscipline imposed on the ordinary seman and this had become somthing of a problem for the British Admiralty


The other reason for boarding American ships was to confiscate goods and material bound for France. This was a violation of America's neutralityand the right to trade with either side in this conflict between Britain and France


There was also some dispute over borders in the north east area

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I asked you in one post the reason for your long standing hostitlit to the USA.


Your rather lame response was that you did not like Obama or his administration but you know as well as I do that you have a long history on the forum of slagging off anything American even before Obama's time.


Why dont you 'fess up and stop hiding behind that keyboard.


You have no ancestral roots in Ireland and as for mentioning Sligo, the place of my mother's birth, i think the only connection with Sligo in your case is Sligo Street, downtown Beirut :D


Although I have retired from the fray, I take exeption to this.

I was born and bred in Sheffield, Heeley Bottom, the best place inthe world, and a hot bed of socialism.

My maternal strain is all from Yorkshire, from as far as history can trace.

My Grandfather came from Sligo, and my Grandmother from Cork.

And I am Irish as they come, real Irish, not those idiots you get in Boston or wherever.


Your silly assumption that all Irishmen support every action the USA takes is facile indeed.

Just because I choose not to like you warmongering, IRA suppling fools does not mean I do not like the majority of american people.

Now lay off.

That is my final comment

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Although I have retired from the fray, I take exeption to this.

I was born and bred in Sheffield, Heeley Bottom, the best place inthe world, and a hot bed of socialism.

My maternal strain is all from Yorkshire, from as far as history can trace.

My Grandfather came from Sligo, and my Grandmother from Cork.

And I am Irish as they come, real Irish, not those idiots you get in Boston or wherever.


Your silly assumption that all Irishmen support every action the USA takes is facile indeed.

Just because I choose not to like you warmongering, IRA suppling fools does not mean I do not like the majority of american people.

Now lay off.

That is my final comment



Born in a hot bed of Socialism :hihi: :hihi: You're a riot artisan


Anyway that goes a long way in explaining your views on the forum so thanks for that.


There musr be a lot of folks in "the Bottom" who have their knickers in a real twist now that Cameron is in charge.


My sincerest condolences :hihi: :hihi:

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