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Britain was "junior partner" to US in fighting the Nazis

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To be honest if I were an American I would keep shut about Vietnam.

It must be your countrys most pathetic escapade ever.

You have nothing to be proud of.

You were beaten by fellows half your size, but with ambition and skill.

And the retreat from Saigon was absolutly sad.

Sorry Blokes but you are losers.

And now you are being smashed by the the Taliban.


Until you learn to to smash them into the ground you will not get anywhere.

This namby pamby wave bombing is getting nowhere.

Until you turn the entire planet into glass will they will not learn.

Have you learned nothing from history?


When will you actually learn some history. The USA dropped more bombs on Vietnam than they did in WW2.

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To be honest if I were an American I would keep shut about Vietnam.

It must be your countrys most pathetic escapade ever.

You have nothing to be proud of.

You were beaten by fellows half your size, but with ambition and skill.

And the retreat from Saigon was absolutly sad.

Sorry Blokes but you are losers.

And now you are being smashed by the the Taliban.


Until you learn to to smash them into the ground you will not get anywhere.

This namby pamby wave bombing is getting nowhere.

Until you turn the entire planet into glass will they will not learn.

Have you learned nothing from history?


Thanks for your response, Artisan, but you didn't really answer my question.

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How come you ended up fighting in Vietnam, Harleyman? Didn't realise you'd become an American that early on. You're right that I've never been involved in a war, and I hope I never have to be either. I didn't realise that you were an American veteran, it explains a lot.


I think you're right that you wouldn't have had the life over here that you've had over there, and I can see why you might look down on us. There are just too many of us crammed on this little bit of island and you have to be exceptional, there's not enough scope for everyone to shine. But I still wouldn't swap my country and my heritage just to get your material benefits, which is weird when you really think about it. I always thought I was a material guy! :D

I know you're talking to Harley, but I'm trying to change some perceptions about us over here. I don't look down on Britons, I am as proud as anyone over there who makes the term Great Britain, but I have little time for Little Englanders, who spend almost as much time criticizing your own country, or almost as much as criticizing mine.

America comes under attack for its stupidity, its perfidy, and its vocabulary, and any thing else that can be conjured up. Your posters always start the fight, and when we respond you all gang up like a bunch of school bullies, crying foul. I did not come to North America for material benefits. I had a nice home, a new company car every two years, and a higher than normal salary and expenses. My wife, who had been a Navy wife for years, had spent all her married life moving around wherever she could be close to where my ship would come in, and had lived in Malta for a long time. While I was happy with the workmates, my wife could not seem to get into friendships in her native Sheffield any more. People had formed their own cliques in the years, and seemed suspicious of anyone outside of them. She pressured me first to try for Australlia, then when a job came up in Montreal urged me to try for it. The rest is history. It wasn't material that impressed me, though I will admit a speedboat goes a lot better on Long Island Sound than on the River Don. What really impressed me was the sense of space. People here think nothing of a 1200 mile car drive, whereas a trip to Scarborough seemed labour intensive back home. The times we would wait over an hour in a backup with a fractious infant so we could pay some guy a tanner to cross a ratty little railway bridge were too many to talk about. I hope that has all changed by now. I am glad you enjoy your home ,its heritage. I woud not wish it otherwise, but it wasn't for me. Lets live and let live in the places we call home and stop the crap.:)

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When will you actually learn some history. The USA dropped more bombs on Vietnam than they did in WW2.


But to what effect.

Really when all is said and done, what effect in the major wars WW1 and 2 have they had?

In WW1 they came in at they very end, and were an embarrassment rather than a help.

In WW2 they only came in so they could take control of Europe after the event.

Unfortunatly for them we British fought a bit better than they did.

On D day they they cocked up and were nearly wiped out because of poor navigation an intelligence landing them in the wrong place.

That buggered it for all the rest of the rest along the coast.

Cant tust the yanks you see, too headstrong, like young kids.

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But to what effect.

Really when all is said and done, what effect in the major wars WW1 and 2 have they had?

In WW1 they came in at they very end, and were an embarrassment rather than a help.

In WW2 they only came in so they could take control of Europe after the event.

Unfortunatly for them we British fought a bit better than they did.

On D day they they cocked up and were nearly wiped out because of poor navigation an intelligence landing them in the wrong place.

That buggered it for all the rest of the rest along the coast.

Cant tust the yanks you see, too headstrong, like young kids.


I can only presume that your prejudice has clouded your judgement as a ten year old would have a better command of history than you do.

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I can only presume that your prejudice has clouded your judgement as a ten year old would have a better command of history than you do.


I dont think so.

Your knowledge seems to have something of propaganda about it.

I only speak in facts.

I was around at most of the events I speak of.

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