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Britain was "junior partner" to US in fighting the Nazis

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By that do you mean by real Americans


I keep promising I won't respond on these type threads anymore but I cannot let this one pass.


There is a plaque at the Statue of Liberty that reads, in part:


""Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" -Emma Lazarus 1883


With the exception of Native Americans, this applies to all of us. Buck, Harleyman, Poppins, USUK and The Yank may not have US birth certificates, but they are as much American as I am and I do have a US birth certificate.


They are REAL Americans.

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I keep promising I won't respond on these type threads anymore but I cannot let this one pass.


There is a plaque at the Statue of Liberty that reads, in part:


""Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" -Emma Lazarus 1883


With the exception of Native Americans, this applies to all of us. Buck, Harleyman, Poppins, USUK and The Yank may not have US birth certificates, but they are as much American as I am and I do have a US birth certificate.


They are REAL Americans.


You bet we are. And despite all the negativity from posters also proud of my British heritage

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There is a plaque at the Statue of Liberty that reads, in part:

"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" -Emma Lazarus 1883

Cotton-Top, I'm in :o ... you can't say that about buck, he's not wretched refuse, he's an old navy man! I'm not so sure about the others, but even so ... what are you thinking! tsk! *shakes head*



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Cotton-Top, I'm in :o ... you can't say that about buck, he's not wretched refuse, he's an old navy man! I'm not so sure about the others, but even so ... what are you thinking! tsk! *shakes head*


Awww Rubs, you know I didn't mean that they are literally refuse!! :D


I mean that they were invited in and we adopted them all and we love them like our own.

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Cotton-Top, I'm in :o ... you can't say that about buck, he's not wretched refuse, he's an old navy man! I'm not so sure about the others, but even so ... what are you thinking! tsk! *shakes head*




Now look what you've done Cotton Top. You've stirred up old Ruby.


And talking of wretched, seems the wretched woman suffers from insomnia since it must be almost half midnight in steel town


Take a pill and hit the sack Ruby

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Awww Rubs, you know I didn't mean that they are literally refuse!! :D


I mean that they were invited in and we adopted them all and we love them like our own.


That woman is pretty free with her insults. No more mister nice guy with her.


It's all out war from now on :D

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That woman is pretty free with her insults. No more mister nice guy with her. It's all out war from now on :D
Listen up, dude and listen good, you can't have a war with her, 'that woman' will have been dead for donkey's years ... Emma Lazarus 1883 ... anyway in those days they just weren't very PC about anything.


oh no, wait .... Lazarus?? Do we believe in reincarnation? :suspect::help:


ETA: It's actually 1.45 am. No-one in UK ever goes to bed before the early hours ... we're party animals over here, tha knows! ;)

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Listen up, dude and listen good, you can't have a war with her, 'that woman' will have been dead for donkey's years ... Emma Lazarus 1883 ... anyway in those days they just weren't very PC about anything.


oh no, wait .... Lazarus?? Do we believe in reincarnation? :suspect::help:


ETA: It's actually 1.45 am. No-one in UK ever goes to bed before the early hours ... we're party animals over here, tha knows! ;)


So your idea of partying is sitting up at 1:45 AM posting virtriole on the forum..


Better get a life Ruby :D


I'd be damned if I would be awake for anything at that time, least of all the forum

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Awww Rubs, you know I didn't mean that they are literally refuse!! :D


I mean that they were invited in and we adopted them all and we love them like our own.


Or, as they say, usually after listening to "the great appointed one", We may have arrived in different ships, but we're all in the same boat now !

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So your idea of partying is sitting up at 1:45 AM posting virtriole on the forum.. Better get a life Ruby :D

I'd be damned if I would be awake for anything at that time, least of all the forum

lol you're getting preferential treatment now, I'm not even allowed to answer you anymore, on pain of being deleted. :o I didn't even ask what virtriole was ... just that all Yanks were lightweights who were tucked up by midnight after a couple of weak beers? ;)


And there was a really nice post from the people at the Heights of Abraham at Matlock Bath which has also been deleted whilst I've been at work!!


It's just typical that the residents of this country are discriminated against in favour of the foreigners :mad:


Oh well, insult away ... if you were in the Sims game, I'd just take your pool ladder away :hihi:

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