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Britain was "junior partner" to US in fighting the Nazis

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lol you're getting preferential treatment now, I'm not even allowed to answer you anymore, on pain of being deleted. :o I didn't even ask what virtriole was ... just that all Yanks were lightweights who were tucked up by midnight after a couple of weak beers? ;)


And there was a really nice post from the people at the Heights of Abraham at Matlock Bath which has also been deleted whilst I've been at work!!


It's just typical that the residents of this country are discriminated against in favour of the foreigners :mad:


Oh well, insult away ... if you were in the Sims game, I'd just take your pool ladder away :hihi:



You are not being discriminated against. You persist in in expressing personal insults. Thats probably why you're posts are being deleted. I didnt complain by the way. That's not my policy nor ever has been. You just need to watch what you're saying that's all. I've told you that before already. Keep it light, keep it humerous if you want to or stick to the original post subject.


As for Yank lightweights going to bed early after two weak beers that just childish.


Dont you have a job to go to in the mornings? I may be wrong but you dont seem old enough to be retired yet.


My Sheffield had jobs for everyone. Mucky it may have been but we all had jobs. Recruiters from different companies used to come to the schools and talk to the students who were ready to leave.


If you're so tired of arguing as you say under your posts then give this thread a rest. Move onto something else. No one is breaking your arm to add your comments. It would suit me fine if you just stayed away from threads about the USA anyway as you seldom if ever have anything good to say

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Not really Mel. I think you are being a little unfair if you think otherwise.



I think Mel's spot on. Weren't you the one who started a thread castigating Gordon Brown when he sent a letter (which was a personal one not a standard Govt note of condolence) to a dead servicemans mother which contained a few spelling mistakes!!!;)

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Prime Minister David Cameron has set about re-writing the history books.


He claimed in an interview with Sky that Britain was the junior partner to the US when fighting the Nazis in 1940.


It seems to have slipped his mind that the US wasn't even fighting in 1940 and only joined the war in 1941.


Is he so desperate to suck up to the Americans that he is willing to re-write history, or is he just an imbecile?


we lost 388,000 dead usa 500,000

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we lost 388,000 dead usa 500,000


The Russians lost around 20 million dead including civilian deaths.


Obviously Britain wasn't a junior partner. Their armed forces may not have had the same amount of manpower as the Americans or Russians, nor able to produce the same amount of weaponry but you cant judge partnerships on manpower or numbers of aircraft and tanks. Chamberlain may have backed the country into a war but the RAF stopped any invasion plans and Montgomery stopped Hitler's drive to grab the middle east oil fields. Two very vital factors that set the course for eventual victory.

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The more I read of buck and harleyman I am drawn to the conclusion that the nearest they have been to the USA is their computer screens.

They seem to have read their grandads life storys and are living out some strange fantasy.

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The more I read of buck and harleyman I am drawn to the conclusion that the nearest they have been to the USA is their computer screens.

They seem to have read their grandads life storys and are living out some strange fantasy.




Somebody let you out of Heeley Bum this morning? How ARE things in that bastion of hot bed socialism?


I think Cameron intends to wall the place off :hihi:

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Somebody let you out of Heeley Bum this morning? How ARE things in that bastion of hot bed socialism?


I think Cameron intends to wall the place off :hihi:

I've never insulted any of you. I only respond to your comments, which are consistently not nice. I should lay off the insults, aye? This is two threads now where you're having a go at artisan and his area. Pot and Kettle anyone? :rolleyes:
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I've never insulted any of you. I only respond to your comments, which are consistently not nice. I should lay off the insults, aye? This is two threads now where you're having a go at artisan and his area. Pot and Kettle anyone? :rolleyes:


Artisan should have left me be as you should. When the exchanges have died down I'm quite content to leave well alone and declare peace.


Your reponse to Cotton Top's posting inferred that I and another member might be "wretched refuse"


Dont you even recall what you post sometimes


Anyway I've had enough of you. Just keep off my turf and I'll keep off yours


Nuff said and Adios

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