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Britain was "junior partner" to US in fighting the Nazis

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i think it's worth pointing out to the brits bashing the Americans for rewriting history regarding the second world war that we are as bad. Britain did not stand alone at all, this myth bugs the heck out of me, watching Newsnight last night where they talked about this very issue caused my blood pressure to rise just a bit, especially when a spokesman for the Imperial War museum repeated it time and again. Canada is a darn big country and come to that it's sacrifices were pretty big to just airbrush out of the record. Canada followed Britain and declared war a week later, Canada may be part of the Commonwealth but was by then an independant nation (B.N.Act 1867), so maybe for a week Britain stood alone but not this mythical year of 1939. Should point out not sure about Australia or New Zealand.

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i think it's worth pointing out to the brits bashing the Americans for rewriting history regarding the second world war that we are as bad. Britain did not stand alone at all, this myth bugs the heck out of me, watching Newsnight last where they talked about this very issue caused my blood pressure to rise just a bit, especially when a spokesman for the Imperial War museum repeated it time and again. Canada is a darn big country and come to that it's sacrifices were pretty big to just airbrush out of the record. Canada followed Britain and declared war a week later, Canada may be part of the Commonwealth but was by then an independant nation (B.N.Act 1867), so maybe for a week Britain stood alone but not this mythical year of 1939. Should point out not sure about Australia or New Zealand.



Australia and New Zealand also entered the war shortly after the declaration.


They sent soldiers to fight in Mongomery's 8th army in north Africa and they acquitted themselves very well




Rommel was quoted as saying that the New Zealanders were some of the best he had ever come up against


The Aussies and New Zealanders also fought in far east operations such as the Burma campaign


The Canadians suffered substantial losses in the disasterous Dieppe raid in 1943 and later during and after D-Day

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I keep promising I won't respond on these type threads anymore but I cannot let this one pass.


There is a plaque at the Statue of Liberty that reads, in part:


""Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" -Emma Lazarus 1883


With the exception of Native Americans, this applies to all of us. Buck, Harleyman, Poppins, USUK and The Yank may not have US birth certificates, but they are as much American as I am and I do have a US birth certificate.


They are REAL Americans.

Is that something to be proud of? I hold a far better certificate.

A British Birth Certificate, and a British Passport, and a British Seamans Card, and Discharge Book.

These are things that you can only drool over, for they can never be yours.

The entire world longs to to be British, I know for I sailed the world over.

To be British is the worlds desire, and we are who are born to it, sometimes, foolishly scorn it.

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Is that something to be proud of? I hold a far better certificate.

A British Birth Certificate, and a British Passport, and a British Seamans Card, and Discharge Book.

These are things that you can only drool over, for they can never be yours.

The entire world longs to to be British, I know for I sailed the world over.

To be British is the worlds desire, and we are who are born to it, sometimes, foolishly scorn it.


I wouldn't be too sure about all of those things Arty

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I wouldn't be too sure about all of those things Arty


I am very sure.

I would never, never give up my country for another.

Live there yes, even dual nationality.

But to slag and insult the country of my birth, never.

It smacks of being a traitor to me.

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Your reponse to Cotton Top's posting inferred that I and another member might be "wretched refuse"
Oh, come on! I was just messing. Cotton Top took it in the spirit in which it was intended even you can't.


After all, however well intended, it must have been a bit of a slap in the face for the immigrants to find out, after being in peril on the seas for weeks, that they were being welcomed as a bit of 'wretched refuse' from a distant shore.


What they used to call a 'backhanded compliment' ;)

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