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Britain was "junior partner" to US in fighting the Nazis

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At last a post with intelligence and historical accuracy :thumbsup:


Thank you Harleyman for those kind words, which are much appreciated.


Coming back to the original point of the thread, does ignorance of history really matter? I think it does, especially with regard to the knowledge (or lack of it) of those in positions of power, such as Cameron. Now I don't believe that there is any such thing as objective historical truth. There will always be different views, perspectives and interpretations of historical events. But this is not the same as basing one's views (as probably Cameron has) on a smattering of half-remembered and superficial 'facts', especially if the latter are just plain wrong.


Thus, in addition to making the '1940' gaffe (for which I am prepared to forgive him, because anyone can get a date wrong in a live speech), he has more recently been saying that Turkey has always been 'part of Europe'. In fact, only a small part of Turkey has ever been 'part of Europe' and that only since 1453, when the Ottomans conquered Constantinople.


But, far more seriously, I wonder if Bush and Blair would have been so keen to invade Iraq in 2003, if they had had a deeper knowledge and understanding of history (and especially of the uncertain outcomes of military interventions)? Bush, for example (like his father) is reputed to have never read a book as an adult (I think the one about the goat he was reading on 9/11 doesn't count). Blair at Oxford was probably too busy honing his skills as an exponent of duplicitous lawyerese to bother with the study of history.

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Thank you Harleyman for those kind words, which are much appreciated.


But, far more seriously, I wonder if Bush and Blair would have been so keen to invade Iraq in 2003, if they had had a deeper knowledge and understanding of history (and especially of the uncertain outcomes of military interventions)? Bush, for example (like his father) is reputed to have never read a book as an adult (I think the one about the goat he was reading on 9/11 doesn't count). Blair at Oxford was probably too busy honing his skills as an exponent of duplicitous lawyerese to bother with the study of history.



What's fact got to do with it "Chav" Sadam tried to kill his Dad.


Oh, and there is the Oil

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Thank you Harleyman for those kind words, which are much appreciated.

Coming back to the original point of the thread, does ignorance of history really matter? I think it does, especially with regard to the knowledge (or lack of it) of those in positions of power, such as Cameron. Now I don't believe that there is any such thing as objective historical truth. There will always be different views, perspectives and interpretations of historical events. But this is not the same as basing one's views (as probably Cameron has) on a smattering of half-remembered and superficial 'facts', especially if the latter are just plain wrong.


Thus, in addition to making the '1940' gaffe (for which I am prepared to forgive him, because anyone can get a date wrong in a live speech), he has more recently been saying that Turkey has always been 'part of Europe'. In fact, only a small part of Turkey has ever been 'part of Europe' and that only since 1453, when the Ottomans conquered Constantinople.


But, far more seriously, I wonder if Bush and Blair would have been so keen to invade Iraq in 2003, if they had had a deeper knowledge and understanding of history (and especially of the uncertain outcomes of military interventions)? Bush, for example (like his father) is reputed to have never read a book as an adult (I think the one about the goat he was reading on 9/11 doesn't count). Blair at Oxford was probably too busy honing his skills as an exponent of duplicitous lawyerese to bother with the study of history.




Think nothing of it Lord C


I may waste a lot of my time getting into mundane pointless arguments with some members but I recognize quality posting when I see it.


Colin Powell in his biography "My American Journey" warned of the damgers of getting into "Nation Building"


Too bad Bush didnt read his book and too bad Powell never took the opportunity to run for president.


America has a history of making its distinguished military men Presidents later on in life. Some were useless and some were good.


I always admired Eisenhower. He saw the arms race as futile and sensleess, overkill at it's very worst and warned against the rise of the military industrial complex

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As long as your in the munitions or medical business that is




The cold war and the technology resulting from it did produce a lot of beneficial technology used in other areas from the moon landing down to the humble microwave oven.


Eisnehower hit it on the head though saying to Congress


"Why do we need to produce another 300 warheads when we and the Soviet Union already have enough of them to blow each other up ten times over?'

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The cold war and the technology resulting from it did produce a lot of beneficial technology used in other areas from the moon landing down to the humble microwave oven.


Eisnehower hit it on the head though saying to Congress


"Why do we need to produce another 300 warheads when we and the Soviet Union already have enough of them to blow each other up ten times over?'



Too true, but I believe that Microwave technology was accidently discovered when someone walked close to a Radar and chocolate he had in his pocket melted

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Too true, but I believe that Microwave technology was accidently discovered when someone walked close to a Radar and chocolate he had in his pocket melted


I heard that a scientist experimenting with radio waves suddenly felt the coins in his pocket start to feel like burning cigarette ends.


I could be wrong though

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