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Britain was "junior partner" to US in fighting the Nazis

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Maybe that was for the lovely women :love:
Touchee. They came here, begat more lovely daughters, who begat more and more Americans till there are 300 million Americans now. It would be a billion of them if not for keeping the riffraff out, the ones who stayed home.:)
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As this is a Sheffield forum i would like to suggest that cameron and his sidekick " i want power at any cost " clegg go and live in the States where they will be obviously recognised as the great men they are.

Cameron is either an idiot or a creep for his comment and to be honest i dont know which is worse.

As for the Yanks they only came in to the war for thier own needs nothing more.




Another disgruntled Labourite displaying his astonishing grasp of history :hihi: :hihi:

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As for the Yanks they only came in to the war for thier own needs nothing more.


That is correct, as we all know, if we dare to admit it.

The Yanks stayed out, supplying both sides until it was clear which way the tide was running.

If Hitler had not been forced into declaring war on them, (due the actions of his allies), and he had been shown to have the upper hand in Africa and Europe, they would most probably have made a seperate peace with Germany, and left us to subjegation.

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That is correct, as we all know, if we dare to admit it.

The Yanks stayed out, supplying both sides until it was clear which way the tide was running.

If Hitler had not been forced into declaring war on them, (due the actions of his allies), and he had been shown to have the upper hand in Africa and Europe, they would most probably have made a seperate peace with Germany, and left us to subjegation.

So you at least admit that you would have suffered subjegation without American help. Thank you for those few kind words from all the American taxpayers, some of them of German extraction, who paid with both their money and their boys' lives to make that happen. Our gratitude knows no bounds:rolleyes: BTW I would be interested in knowing your own personal participation in that titanic struggle.
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That is correct, as we all know, if we dare to admit it.

The Yanks stayed out, supplying both sides until it was clear which way the tide was running.

If Hitler had not been forced into declaring war on them, (due the actions of his allies), and he had been shown to have the upper hand in Africa and Europe, they would most probably have made a seperate peace with Germany, and left us to subjegation.




If Churchill had been in charge in the years 1935-39 history might have turned out a lot different. He was despised by the working classes but he knew what Hitler was about.


Instead the leader at that time was the weazel faced "peace at any cost " pacifist wa**er Neville Chamberlain. His continuous policy of appeasement naturally led Hitler to believe that he could get away with anything.


The first big test for Hitler was the re-occupation of the Ruhr River Valley in 1936. The German army at that time was no match for the French army and Hitler knew it but he had already guessed correctly that the French and British leadership were gutless and he took the gamble and got away with it.


The German army high command at that particular time regarded Hitler as an upstart and his followers as low class louts and if Hitler had been checked and stopped from re-occupying the Ruhr the generals were prepared and had already decided to kick Hitler out using the reason that he was a warmonger

and set on getting the country into another was with Britain and France


Since Hitler got away with that it was only a matter of time before he broke up Czechoslovakia with the nod from Chamberlain and the French.


Old Chamberlain finally managed to get himslef backed into a corner by agreeing to defend Poland in case it was attacked and then having no choice but to declare war. No one wanted a war, least of all Hitler and he and the rest of the Germans were stunned and shocked as were the people of France and Britain


Had Churchill been PM he would have stopped Hitler in his tracks when he moved to re-occupy the Ruhr River Valley and Hitler would have soon disappeared from sight.


By 1939 three years later it was all too late. The Nazis had Germany firmly in their grip and the German Army under their control as well as being fully rearmed


In conclusion it's not too far fetched to say that because of weak and gutless British and French leadership they managed indirectly to get themselves into a war no one wanted and need not have happened

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So you at least admit that you would have suffered subjegation without American help. Thank you for those few kind words from all the American taxpayers, some of them of German extraction, who paid with both their money and their boys' lives to make that happen. Our gratitude knows no bounds:rolleyes: BTW I would be interested in knowing your own personal participation in that titanic struggle.

I can recommend a book by Alistair Cooke "American Journey: Life on the Home Front in the Second World War" In it he tells just how American industry took on the challenge to produce the tools of war that they sold us to fight the Germans, it took us a long time to pay the bill. The book also tells how America moved thousands of people around the country to new factories and also how the internment of the Japanese caused problems with the agricultural industry. It makes a very good read but I strongly suspect that America could not do it again because, like us, they have lost the manufacturing base in their country. Sadly if there ever was a big international war we would have to import most of the basic tools from the enemy.


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So you at least admit that you would have suffered subjegation without American help. Thank you for those few kind words from all the American taxpayers, some of them of German extraction, who paid with both their money and their boys' lives to make that happen. Our gratitude knows no bounds:rolleyes: BTW I would be interested in knowing your own personal participation in that titanic struggle.


Of course we would have buckled without American help, that is why Churchill had to grovel on more than one occasion, begging for help, but by god we paid for the help.

Repaying the USA took all our money for decades, the Marshall Plan I believe it was called.

I was not born until 1951, so had no direct input ito WW2, but may Father and many relatives served either in the Navy or Army.

I was brought up in a time of austerity in this country, it was not until I was well into my teens that the country had enough spare money to start clearing the old bomb sites.

They were among our main playgrounds.


Also, dont forget, if we had been vanquished, it would have been only a matter of time before the USA went the same way.

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I can recommend a book by Alistair Cooke "American Journey: Life on the Home Front in the Second World War" In it he tells just how American industry took on the challenge to produce the tools of war that they sold us to fight the Germans, it took us a long time to pay the bill. The book also tells how America moved thousands of people around the country to new factories and also how the internment of the Japanese caused problems with the agricultural industry. It makes a very good read but I strongly suspect that America could not do it again because, like us, they have lost the manufacturing base in their country. Sadly if there ever was a big international war we would have to import most of the basic tools from the enemy.




I disagree with that. The American industrial base may not be on a level as it was during the war but the capability to produce modern and efficient weapons of war is still very much there


The latest hi tech jet fighter can do the work of 50 of it's WW2 counterparts.


An Abrams tank is the most formidable weapon produced for land warfare in history. None of thes kinds of weapons need to be mass produced. In modest numbers their killing power is far and away beyond the scope of any weapons produced during WW2.


The Nimitz class aircarft carriers and the air power they carry is awesome to say the least.


Modern war is not about great big armies, thousands of planes and tanks.

It's about how much killing power a highly trained military using the latest technology can inflict on an enemy without even having to get close to him

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I disagree with that. The American industrial base may not be on a level as it was during the war but the capability to produce modern and efficient weapons of war is still very much there


The latest hi tech jet fighter can do the work of 50 of it's WW2 counterparts.


An Abrams tank is the most formidable weapon produced for land warfare in history. None of thes kinds of weapons need to be mass produced. In modest numbers their killing power is far and away beyond the scope of any weapons produced during WW2.


The Nimitz class aircarft carriers and the air power they carry is awesome to say the least.


Modern war is not about great big armies, thousands of planes and tanks.

It's about how much killing power a highly trained military using the latest technology can inflict on an enemy without even having to get close to him


That may be true but where are your uniforms made?

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