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No charges in G20 death of Ian Tomlinson - Pc Harwood found not guilty.

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It's amazing how people are taking the footage released on the police-hating Guardian website as evidence, when in reality it's clearly been edited to show the police in the worst possible light and make Tomlinson look like an angel.


A more honest account of the aviailable evidence here shows that Tomlinson is not quite the angel the lefties are claiming him to be.



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That's not quite true. The CPS thought there was enough evidence to charge with assault, but the time limit had elapsed because they took so long.


I still don't understand why 'there is conflicting evidence' is reason not to have a trial in this case though.


Normally conflicting evidence is reason to have a trial, isn't it?


Either way, it is done!

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If he didnt know they was coming towards him then why did he all of a sudden turn and start walking?

How do you know if he was a threat or not ?

Why arrest someone when to a normal law abiding citizen a simple word to move on would suffice, when asked to move on why didnt he?


I think we've seen a different video, to be honest - there is no point discussing it with someone who will deny what their eyes are telling them.


Did he look like a threat to you? Seriously? An old bloke, a bit doddery, with his hands in his pockets, with his back to several policeman in full riot gear, with batons and dogs, walking away from them.


Tell me honestly if you think he was a threat to those officers.


He was moving on. He was walking away when he was pushed over.

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It's amazing how people are taking the footage released on the police-hating Guardian website as evidence, when in reality it's clearly been edited to show the police in the worst possible light and make Tomlinson look like an angel.


A more honest account of the aviailable evidence here shows that Tomlinson is not quite the angel the lefties are claiming him to be.




Indeed, I read that last night, however I still don't believe Mr.Tomlinson deserved being clubbed and thrown to the ground when he could simply have been arrested.


Even from that account it doesn't sound like Mr.Tomlinson was in anyway confrontational, more like mildly beligerant. No justification for the treatment he received (IMV).

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Circa 7:15 pm: First alleged assault

7:20 pm. Moments before he was struck, Tomlinson was reportedly saying, "I want to go home. I live down there. I'm trying to get home."[26]


Just before he was hit, with the officer in question behind him[27]


Tomlinson is struck on the leg and pushed over.[27] The Guardian was criticized for having burned its logo into the original footage, increasing its brand-name recognition whenever the video was watched.[28]


Tomlinson (on the right of the image) is seen in a separate video walking away after the incident. He walked about 200 feet (60 m), then collapsed and died.[29]



An eyewitness, Anna Braithwaite, told The Times that as Tomlinson passed the statue of George Peabody on the corner of Threadneedle Street and Royal Exchange Avenue, a police officer "rushed forward" and grabbed him from behind with his left hand. She said: "He [the officer] grabbed his back and charged him and threw him forward. Ian landed on his left side and bounced because of the force of the impact. He looked absolutely petrified. Clearly had no idea what was happening." She said the officer then struck Tomlinson with his baton twice, either on the torso or the upper legs: "Ian was scrambling to get up and was half up when the same police officer grabbed him again and threw him forward. He took a couple of steps forward, stumbling, and started trying to run away. He was in total shock." He continued walking along Royal Exchange Passage, and was filmed "stumbling and swaying" with his hands in his trouser pockets, according to The Times. Police officers are reported to have followed him as he walked 50 yards (50 m) along the street.[19] He tried to head towards Threadneedle Street, but again ran into police cordons. He doubled back on himself yet again towards Cornhill.[30]


A CPS report released in July 2010 said that Tomlinson was bitten on the leg by a police dog at 7:15 pm, when a dog handler tried to move him out of the way. Tomlinson is reported not to have reacted to the bite. It was shortly after this that Tomlinson was struck and thrown to the ground by PC Harwood.[31]


7:20 pm: Second alleged assault


At 2 a.m. on 7 April, a week after the incident, The Guardian was passed footage shot by an investment fund manager from New York who was in London on business. The video[32] shows a group of officers approach Tomlinson again—the same group of officers, according to The Times—outside a Montblanc store at the southern end of Royal Exchange Passage, near the junction with Cornhill.[33] The group included officers from the TSG in riot gear and City of London police dog handlers. Tomlinson is walking slowly with his hands in his pockets, while several of the officers with dogs walk closely behind him. An eyewitness, Alan Edwards, said Tomlinson was telling them, "I want to go home. I live down there. I'm trying to get home."[34]


The footage shows one officer appear to lunge at Tomlinson from behind, then strike him across the legs with a baton the officer was holding in his left hand. The same officer then appears to push Tomlinson's back, causing him to fall. On 8 April, Channel 4 News released their own footage of the same scene from a different angle. Their video shows the officer's arm swing back fully to head height before bringing it downwards to hit Tomlinson on the legs with the baton.[35] A video obtained by The Guardian on 21 April shows Tomlinson standing by a bicycle rack when the police approach him, hands in his pockets, appearing to offer no resistance. After he is hit, he can be seen scraping along the ground on the right side of his forehead. Eyewitnesses spoke of hearing a noise as his head hit the ground.[36]


7:25 pm: Tomlinson's collapse


The Guardian video shows Tomlinson briefly remonstrating with police as he sat on the ground. None of the officers seen on the video tried to help him.[37] After being helped to his feet by Alan Edwards, a protester, Tomlinson walked 200 feet (60 m) along Cornhill, where he collapsed at around 7:25 pm outside 77 Cornhill, next to the Co-operative Bank, and opposite St Michael's Alley. Witnesses say he had been stumbling, appeared dazed, his eyes were rolling, and his skin was grey. They also said he smelled of alcohol.[19]


An ITV News photographer tried to give medical aid, but was forced away by police, as was Lucy Apps, a third-year medical student.[38] Daniel McPhee, a social support worker, told The Daily Telegraph that he was one of the first on the scene, and that he dialled 999, the UK's emergency services number. At that point, Tomlinson was reportedly still breathing. The ambulance operator told McPhee to put Tomlinson on his back, McPhee says. Then a group of riot police surrounded Tomlinson. The operator asked to speak to the police, but McPhee says the police ignored the request.[39] Police medics then attended to Tomlinson, who was pronounced dead on arrival at hospital.[40]


from wikipedia

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I think we've seen a different video, to be honest - there is no point discussing it with someone who will deny what their eyes are telling them.


Did he look like a threat to you? Seriously? An old bloke, a bit doddery, with his hands in his pockets, with his back to several policeman in full riot gear, with batons and dogs, walking away from them.


Tell me honestly if you think he was a threat to those officers.


He was moving on. He was walking away when he was pushed over.


Honestly ;)


From the video, I would say he looked not a threat but an arrogant <Removed> trying his best to antagonize the police.

We (you, me and everyone else on here) dont know what happened previous, the police were having a hard time of it at the time, including being pelted with missiles, anyway this bloke seems to be getting in there way on more than one occasion, he is repeatedly asked to move out of their way and then they come across the same bloke yet again, the push, (note what I said about the baton attack earlier) was no more than just a push, was not too excessive in my opinion, if it wasnt for him dying then this wouldnt even make the headlines or even be on here.

His health and lifestyle probably played more of a part in his death than the push from the police officer, he got up fine and walked briskly away after the incident.

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It's all very well ranting about how much you hate the police but I bet you'd run to the nearest copper if you were the victim of a crime. Hypocrite.


What is hypocritical about not only expecting help and justice from the police for oneself AND wanting the same for others too?


I'd suggest it's more hypocritical to claim the police are justified in assaulting this man, but not expecting them to assault oneself when simply strolling past them

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