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No charges in G20 death of Ian Tomlinson - Pc Harwood found not guilty.

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I'm not saying it wasn't right, as I don't know, because I've not seen any of the pathology reports, just reports about them. And not many of them.


Oh well, if google can't find them, I guess we'll have to go on speculation and hearsay


Ive tried too but to no avail, maybe they are not for public viewing, anyway Al, have enjoyed shootin the breeze with you, but must dash now :D

See ya again, take care :D

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Oh dear, it seems anyone with an opinion not the same as yours is a troll.


I have no problem with the opinions of trolls...as long as it's seen in that light. Your "mis fortunately nudged Tomlinson" quote is fair proof of the pudding.




"mis fortunately nudged":roll:.....jongo? you're on another planet or smoking whacky backy.

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I have no problem with the opinions of trolls...as long as it's seen in that light. Your "mis fortunately nudged Tomlinson" quote is fair proof of the pudding.




"mis fortunately nudged":roll:.....jongo? you're on another planet or smoking whacky backy.


I had my tongue firmly in my cheek when I put that Alien, as I expect you know full well.

It is no more an exaggerated comment than some on here about the vicious beatings etc that Mr Tomlinson received from the police

Anyway I am gone now, see ya again ;)

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I have, and I haven't seen anything that could justify what happened. He was (at most) beligerant. I've seen nothing that would suggest he was a threat that warranted being assualted in the way he was.


That he died is unfortunate, and I'm happy to accept it was exacerbated by his health. It's the needless assault that caused it that I'm not happy about.


I'm sure there are many times that that level of force is required, I just don't believe so in this case.

Well let's all view it then.
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The most shocking aspect is that this poor police officer has been put through hell for the last 18 months, not knowing if he was going to be prosecuted for simply doing his job



You've hit the nail on the head, that's all he will have been worrying about, not Ian Tomlinson, or his family, just his self.


But not to worry, if he got into hot water, for his conduct, he could always retire on medical grounds so he can't be touched, and apply for a job in a different force, AGAIN.

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Sympathy for a Policeman who had the forethought (under order or not) to remove his identity, before using a baton to bring a man to the floor who posed no threat whatsoever?


No. None here.


It matters not that Tomlinson had any pre-existing health conditions. It matters that he was brought to the ground illegally. That he died subsequently is a matter for the coroner - but the Police officer should have been brought to book for the assault/ABH at least.

I kind of agree with this line of thought, if it was a youth knocked an old woman to the floor it would be no defence that she was old or her own frailty that killed her.
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Note also that Tomlinson was stood opposite the protesters at the start of the video, wonder what he was doing, wonder why the cameraman focused on him, wonder why he was stood there if he was supposed to be on his way home, wonder if he was there to make a point, wonder why he didnt explain to the police that he was on his way home and then walk away with a little more speed like most other people would do in that situation.


The police were wearing uniform issued to them, nothing sinister about that,

Yeh I bet he was hanging around to get killed, and even though he knew he was an alcho with probabily a heart condition waiting to happen he saw the camera and thought he would go out in a blaze of glory, death by camera, and have 15 min of fame before he died to make up for all the worthless life he had led prior to that point.


Yep it was a setup, he went out to get beat to death for the exposure. :hihi:

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