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No charges in G20 death of Ian Tomlinson - Pc Harwood found not guilty.

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You know something you maybe right, what I thought to be a batton now looks like the man was stun gunned.


I kid you not !




Starting at 1 min 21 sec you clearly see it looks like a batton.


At 1 min 25 sec he grimmises in pain and it actually looks like the officer is holding a gun type weapon.

Either way, I think looking at that clip it clearly shows a weapon and looks pretty much police telescopic battonesk to me.


It's definitely a baton. When you reverse the baton it does look like a muzzle and a handle. It was just the way he handled it (http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.personalsafetytraining.com/images/pr244.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.iaevipprotection.com/id9.html&usg=__EDDb-dWaIXhgbifhsko6zJrkSqM=&h=199&w=180&sz=13&hl=en&start=27&tbnid=jm1Jvcx9TPNGXM:&tbnh=104&tbnw=94&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpolice%2Bbaton%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D707%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1 )....you can see quite clearly in the 1st link in the op at 1.21.


To be fair...it's not that difficult to see.

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Ok even Mr mgoo can see a batton in 1 min 35 seconds.


Stop trying to be the hero and excuse the inexcusable ;)

Well I've just frozen it at 1.35 seconds the policemans hands are clearly empty. Unless he's a wizard at slite of hand I can't see how he can be pushing the man with both hands whilst holding an imaginery batton and then in a nano second make it dissappear as in 1.35.

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Well I've just frozen it at 1.35 seconds the policemans hands are clearly empty. Unless he's a wizard at slite of hand I can't see how he can be pushing the man with both hands whilst holding an imaginery batton and then in a nano second make it dissappear as in 1.35.


This shows how you force/push someone forward



This is an alternative view.

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This shows how you force/push someone forward

Yes I can now see what you mean quite clearly, what I cant see is anything a fraction of that size in the police officers hands, in fact at 1.35 he has nothing in either of his hands, so where did this dissappearing/invisble item go?

There wasn't even enough time to say 'Izzy Wizzy Let's Get Bizzy'.

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So which hand is the imaginery weapon that i can't see in?



Left hand. It isn't imaginary. It's real . You just deny what's in front of your eyes. I guess you've made such an ass of yourself it's a little difficult to backtrack.

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Scandalous. I bet if I ran up behind someone and whalloped them I'd be facing charges.


Especially if it was a copper who then died a few minutes later.


FFS the thing was caught on video. It was at least assault and the copper should be sacked.

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Well I've just frozen it at 1.35 seconds the policemans hands are clearly empty.


His left hand has a baton, it's black and merges with the black from his trousers, you can quite clearly see the batons strap running over the officers hand and it's tip poking out from the black of the trousers.


From the reports and video's I've seen, Mr.Tomlinson was hit with it (from behind) just prior to the video showing him being thrown to the floor.

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