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No charges in G20 death of Ian Tomlinson - Pc Harwood found not guilty.

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Bull. The guys was moving away from police not towards him. Look at the immediate reaction of all of the offices immediately after Harwood assaults Ian Tomlinson. To me they look as shocked as everyone else.


Harwood is a disgrace to the uniform, even the police have said as much. Its just a pity that they didn't take more decisive action before this and kick this yob out of the force.


A yob to you but then again you don't fight rioters for a living. If you did you'd assume all your judgements would be perfect. Judging by your judgement here they wouldn't be.

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No. He was hovering repeatedly and walking slowly in front of police in the middle of a riot. That can be seen clearly from the evidence. You don't know what was in his mind since you have never spoken to him.


Firstly I used to work on Threadneedle street flower, so you want to be very careful making stupid comments like that. I bought the paper regularly from him and from other people around there.


Trying to get home, without threatening people is still no grounds for assualt however distateful you may find his lack of forelock tugging.

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Firstly I used to work on Threadneedle street flower, so you want to be very careful making stupid comments like that. I bought the paper regularly from him and from other people around there.


Trying to get home, without threatening people is still no grounds for assualt however distateful you may find his lack of forelock tugging.


You worked there so you know what he was thinking in the hour before he died?


He was a roughneck in the middle of a mass of roughnecks wanting to riot in the name of leftist fantasies. The fact that he was mistaken for a rioter was his own fault and the fact he got hit was due to him hovering inches from a load of riot police.


During last years riots there were thickies doing that who then got arrested and wondered why. It's simple, in a riot stay away from the police. If you cant' get home tough.

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You worked there so you know what he was thinking in the hour before he died?


He was a roughneck in the middle of a mass of roughnecks wanting to riot in the name of leftist fantasies. The fact that he was mistaken for a rioter was his own fault and the fact he got hit was due to him hovering inches from a load of riot police.


During last years riots there were thickies doing that who then got arrested and wondered why. It's simple, in a riot stay away from the police. If you cant' get home tough.


I never said I knew what he was thinking - I was merely refuting your assertion that I'd never talked to him. Being as it was close to his knockoff time, it;s a reasonable bet he was trying to get home. Since he had nowhere else to go - what's he meant to do? Stand around and look stupid?


Oh I forget - he's a "roughneck" so he's worth sod all. Excuse me while I scrape you and your attitude off the sole of my boot - I really don't want you there. :loopy:

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I never said I knew what he was thinking - I was merely refuting your assertion that I'd never talked to him. Being as it was close to his knockoff time, it;s a reasonable bet he was trying to get home. Since he had nowhere else to go - what's he meant to do? Stand around and look stupid?


Oh I forget - he's a "roughneck" so he's worth sod all. Excuse me while I scrape you and your attitude off the sole of my boot - I really don't want you there. :loopy:


Who cares what you want my false named friend?


As for Tomlinson yes, stand there and look stupid, better than walking one foot in front of a load of riot police, what kind of moron does that in the middle of a riot?

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Without reading this whole thread I believe that the victim had minor learning difficulties so probably didn't assess the current situation to well. What a shame that police officer Harwood wasn't around during last summers riots, he'd have crapped himself, he just picks on the weak and vulnerable as his disciplinary records show.

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Who cares what you want my false named friend?


As for Tomlinson yes, stand there and look stupid, better than walking one foot in front of a load of riot police, what kind of moron does that in the middle of a riot?


So he should just stand there and wait for the police to walk all over him - no doubt with a good swift kick or three for being a roughneck and not meeting your approval. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't - damned in fact by the nice champagne socialist in his warm safe armchair who never had to face anything like that.

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Without reading this whole thread, I believe that the victim had minor learning difficulties so probably didn't assess the current situation to well. What a shame that police officer Harwood wasn't around during last summers riots, he'd have crapped himself, he just picks on the weak and vulnerable as his disciplinary records show.


Why do you think he would have crapped himself? School level wisdom?

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So he should just stand there and wait for the police to walk all over him - no doubt with a good swift kick or three for being a roughneck and not meeting your approval. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't - damned in fact by the nice champagne socialist in his warm safe armchair who never had to face anything like that.


He could have done what many not involved did, including the person who filmed it, used his brain and stood to one side. Were others who did that trapped in the city for eternity or did they just wait until the riot was over. The man was a walking wreck and died because of that. A normal person wouldn't have died from the hits inflicted by the copper.

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He could have done what many not involved did, including the person who filmed it, used his brain and stood to one side. Were others who did that trapped in the city for eternity or did they just wait until the riot was over. The man was a walking wreck and died because of that. A normal person wouldn't have died from the hits inflicted by the copper.


*sigh* As I dont wish to annoy the mods unduly, may I refer you to the answer given in Arkell vs Pressdram.


No go on - report me, I know you are dying to.. :loopy:

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