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No charges in G20 death of Ian Tomlinson - Pc Harwood found not guilty.

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Well you're in very good company Mr Prime because the famous and much revered commentator Amanda Platell pretty much said the same. As reported in today's Guardian:

One of the most hurtful and unjustifiable characterisations of the family came from the columnist Amanda Platell, who just 10 days after his death said Tomlinson's alcoholism and homelessness "must lead one to question the depth of [the family's] grief". Instead, she suggested the family were seeking "15 minutes of fame" and "a small fortune in compensation".


Three years later, the family have received no financial compensation. They have also remained dignified and resolute in their refusal of dozens of financial offers to sell their story to the media.


Fine, I'd rather be wrong than right but they do not appear saintly to me.

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Your point is that he has been protected by 'the establishment'. He has not, he has been protected by a jury of ordinary men and women following normal legal procedure.


The 'establishment' failed to bring assault charges within the designated time, and allowed a person with with questions over his temperament to be in a position of trust where he could do harm and indeed did. As a taxpayer, and a citizen, I'm not impressed.

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You know why, he was dawdling like a fool right in front of a crowd of police. The majority o of the population would have stayed away but not him.


He could have been acting like that because he may have already been bleeding internally which could cause disorientation and confusion.

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