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No charges in G20 death of Ian Tomlinson - Pc Harwood found not guilty.

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He abused his power.

Acted the 'big shot' in front of his colleagues.

He used excessive force.

Anyone who uses force on someone who looked as weak as that guy,while he had his hands in his pocket,and from behind,is a coward.

The jury made it's decision.At the least he should be shunned by everyone,and lose his job,and pension.


That's just my opinion.


Well a jury saw the truth. the good man is innocent. Nice when the system works. I am amazed how so many wish to defend a waste of skin alcoholic parasite and do all they can to destroy an individual thats dedicated his life to serving the public.

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Well a jury saw the truth. the good man is innocent. Nice when the system works. I am amazed how so many wish to defend a waste of skin alcoholic parasite and do all they can to destroy an individual thats dedicated his life to serving the public.


...and who has a string of misconduct complaints relating to losing control, in his words 'the red mist'. Good job he isn't a firearms officer.

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Well a jury saw the truth. the good man is innocent. Nice when the system works. I am amazed how so many wish to defend a waste of skin alcoholic parasite and do all they can to destroy an individual thats dedicated his life to serving the public.


Oh yes the coppers such a pillar of the community, got more assault complaints than Joey Barton & yet you defend him the mind boggles. How on earth you can come to the conclusion that the victim was a "waste of skin" is terrible, who made you judge jury & executioner.


How long before he does someone else either as a copper or a civilian, hiding behind a uniform to be a thug WHAT A MAN.

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Oh yes the coppers such a pillar of the community, got more assault complaints than Joey Barton & yet you defend him the mind boggles. How on earth you can come to the conclusion that the victim was a "waste of skin" is terrible, who made you judge jury & executioner.


How long before he does someone else either as a copper or a civilian, hiding behind a uniform to be a thug WHAT A MAN.


It is well known that criminals don’t like the police and don’t have a problem with accusing them of something they didn’t do. I imagine many front line police at some point in their career have been accused of being overzealous by a criminal.

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To be fair , at least PC Harwood has been named and shamed - but what has been done about the 3 G4S employees who had "nothing to do" with Angolan

Jimmy Mubenga sufferiing a cardiac arrest on a ba deportatiion flight - after 2 yrs didn't even make it to court , surely his case should be just as important as the ian tomlinson one ?

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I don't think it is in the public interest to have any thug serving in the police force, they bring shame on the police force and this can lead to loss of confidence in the justice system:(


I was listening to the radio this afternoon and I was shocked to hear that since 1990 approximately 1,500 have died whilst either in police custody or like Ian Tomlinson in some kind of incident involving the police -and yet there has been no prosecutions for manslaughter or murder of the police personnel concerned. With those facts in mind, public belief in the rule of law and the whole justice system will fail.

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To be fair , at least PC Harwood has been named and shamed - but what has been done about the 3 G4S employees who had "nothing to do" with Angolan

Jimmy Mubenga sufferiing a cardiac arrest on a ba deportatiion flight - after 2 yrs didn't even make it to court , surely his case should be just as important as the ian tomlinson one ?


Yes you're absolutley right. And given that G4S are already in the news for their shambloc handling of security the up & coming olympics, I would have though the media would have made more of this

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