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No charges in G20 death of Ian Tomlinson - Pc Harwood found not guilty.

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Like I've said, if you think the police are dodgy now and unaccountable , just see my previous post about Jimmy Mubenga , that's similar to Ian Tomlinson except that because they(G4S) worked for a rather big private ( too big to fail ) company there isn't going to be any individual accountability any time soon, needs sorting , that's why I'm planning to join UKIP , normal people and no dodgy private interests , bloody refreshing !

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I was listening to the radio this afternoon and I was shocked to hear that since 1990 approximately 1,500 have died whilst either in police custody or like Ian Tomlinson in some kind of incident involving the police -and yet there has been no prosecutions for manslaughter or murder of the police personnel concerned. With those facts in mind, public belief in the rule of law and the whole justice system will fail.


That would be because the deaths were from people suffering from mental health issues, drug and alcohol and have died normally from problems arising from their illnesses' not murdered.

I was speaking to an officer who apologised for having to cancel a previous appointment as they had 6 vulnerable people in the cells, each of whom had to be 'sat'. My assumption is that each prisoner had their own individual officer.

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Well a jury saw the truth. the good man is innocent. Nice when the system works. I am amazed how so many wish to defend a waste of skin alcoholic parasite and do all they can to destroy an individual thats dedicated his life to serving the public.


And racking up lots and lots of complaints for being violent and threatening.

Oh and abusing his police powers too.

Yes, he sounds like your every day hero copper :roll:

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It is well known that criminals don’t like the police and don’t have a problem with accusing them of something they didn’t do. I imagine many front line police at some point in their career have been accused of being overzealous by a criminal.


I doubt more than a handful have had the amount of complaints that were so consistent. Almost all involved violence or threats of violence.

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I doubt more than a handful have had the amount of complaints that were so consistent. Almost all involved violence or threats of violence.


Maybe he was good at nicking violent thugs, so they complained about him using a bit of force. :suspect:

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Care to show me where Ian Tomlinson was being a violent thug who needed to be assaulted with such force?


I didn't say he was being a violant thug.:huh:


But he didn’t move out of the way fast enough after the other officers encouraged him to move.

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