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No charges in G20 death of Ian Tomlinson - Pc Harwood found not guilty.

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It wasn't an attack. It was a shove. It wouldn't have killed a man that hadn't destroyed his body through abuse of alcohol.


How do you explain the batton in the back of the legs? Is that not an attack??

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Thank you. I always find a brief summary of your post in the opening sentence, so useful.


He was cleared of manslaughter, NOT of wrong doing, NOT of unprovoked assault.

i thank you:roll: yes obviously cleared of manslaughter.....and never charged with "wrong doing" or "unprovoked assult".....as there was no case in either respect according to the CPS;)

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And i bet you believe that government really do have our best interest at heart, the police are on the whole a decent and honest organization and the moon is made of green cheese. :hihi::hihi::hihi:

no not entirely but i do believe there are people like you that dont like the police or government no matter what they do......as for green cheese thats what is probably between your ears:gag::gag:

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