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No charges in G20 death of Ian Tomlinson - Pc Harwood found not guilty.

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What he should or should not have is, like it or not, irrelevant.

Fact is he is innocent of any charge against him.


End of!


It's by no means irrelevant. He should have been prosecuted and wasn't due to an administrative "mistake". :suspect:


His actions were inexcusable for any human being, let alone one that was supposedly trained to deal with the public.

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It's by no means irrelevant. He should have been prosecuted and wasn't due to an administrative "mistake". :suspect:


His actions were inexcusable for any human being, let alone one that was supposedly trained to deal with the public.


Was he charged and tried for any of those things?


Will he be?




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Was he charged and tried for any of those things?


Will he be?





How is it irrelevant?


I've seen the video footage. The officer clearly hits the man on the back of his legs, then pushes him to the ground.


anyone with eyes can see this.


We all know why he got away with it & it's not because he was innocent.

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The police officer hit the man on his legs, then shoved him to the ground. The man wasn't doing ANYTHING! I think that the copper is guilty. I think the copper is a nob. I think that the copper would be behind bars if it wasn't for the fact that he was actually a police man.


He's giving the rest of the forces a bad name.


I think you've got terrible judgement if you think this man is innocent.


Let's deal with this in order:


1. You have no idea what Tomlinson was doing immediately before he was hit. Unsurprisingly, neither the video nor the CCTV provides that information. This is because the CCTV coverage in the road was non-existent, and the video was filmed and edited and publicised by those with an agenda. As such, it's not a non-biassed source of fact.


2. It's not really relevant that you think he's guilty or a nob. The fact that you think those things without having sat in court and listened to the evidence means your opinion is not properly considered, not based on evidenced and therefore suspect. That's why we have trial by jury.


3. Actually, the Criminal Justice System shows a greater predisposition to stiffer sentences when police officers are on trial. The stated reasons are usually that they should be held to a higher standard. I'm not sure I agree with this, but your point here is incorrect, nevertheless.


4. Actually, my judgement is very good, generally. In this case, it's clearly right as well - as evidence by the result of the trial. It corresponds with the judgement of the jury, and given that the jury is representative of society and chosen at random then my judgement is also representative of that same group of people. Notice I refrain from the obvious ad hominem attack here.

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4. Actually, my judgement is very good, generally. In this case, it's clearly right as well - as evidence by the result of the trial. It corresponds with the judgement of the jury, and given that the jury is representative of society and chosen at random then my judgement is also representative of that same group of people. Notice I refrain from the obvious ad hominem attack here.


The results of the jury are irrelevant in this case though - Bonzo is debating if Harwood is guilty of assualt. The jury was never asked to rule on that point - they were asked to rule on manslaughter. Harwood could be guilty of rodgering him with a frozen chicken whilst pulling his nails out and shoving broken glass up his nose and he'd still not be guilty of manslaughter.


I'd be amazed if any jury didn't return a guilty verdict if faced with an assault charge, be that s18,20, 45 or whatever. The fact that the CPS failed to get their act in order for some odd reason meant that he never faced that charge. As for the CPS "delays" it falls to the old cui bono... it all seems very convenient...

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How is it irrelevant?


I've seen the video footage. The officer clearly hits the man on the back of his legs, then pushes him to the ground.


anyone with eyes can see this.


We all know why he got away with it & it's not because he was innocent.


I think it's obvious how it's irrelevant, because it's not relevant. :rolleyes:


As for how he got away with it, that's even simpler, he was found NOT GUILTY.


Pretty easy to comprehend, even for the dumbest of people.

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Let's deal with this in order:


1. You have no idea what Tomlinson was doing immediately before he was hit. Unsurprisingly, neither the video nor the CCTV provides that information. This is because the CCTV coverage in the road was non-existent, and the video was filmed and edited and publicised by those with an agenda. As such, it's not a non-biassed source of fact.


2. It's not really relevant that you think he's guilty or a nob. The fact that you think those things without having sat in court and listened to the evidence means your opinion is not properly considered, not based on evidenced and therefore suspect. That's why we have trial by jury.


3. Actually, the Criminal Justice System shows a greater predisposition to stiffer sentences when police officers are on trial. The stated reasons are usually that they should be held to a higher standard. I'm not sure I agree with this, but your point here is incorrect, nevertheless.


4. Actually, my judgement is very good, generally. In this case, it's clearly right as well - as evidence by the result of the trial. It corresponds with the judgement of the jury, and given that the jury is representative of society and chosen at random then my judgement is also representative of that same group of people. Notice I refrain from the obvious ad hominem attack here.



I think we must have seen different acts of thuggery.



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