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No charges in G20 death of Ian Tomlinson - Pc Harwood found not guilty.

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No, it doesnt, how can a video show that someone is innocent ?



I think it's pretty obvious to anyone that a video can't prove or disprove innocence/guilt of a thought, but it can of an action?



Can you guide us all as to where Tomlinson was breaking a law?.Can you be specific?


I can show you an action by the police officer that he was breaking the law, and that's even before he raised his baton. As mutewitness has suggested he had his face covered (not illegal in itself although I may be wrong on that) and wore no identification. The head protection he was wearing also consisted of the covering of his face showing only the eyes, bit dodgy you think? Makes you think why we get ourselves all in a tizzy over the Burkha when in actual fact we have our very own home grown thugs ready to don the facemask in the name of upholding the law.

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He could focus some of his cuts on the spineless deadwood at the CPS. That might start to make them act in the public interest, instead of cosying up to police.


The CPS are already proposing to cut their budget by 25%. Do you think this is likely to change their attitude towards prosecuting the criminal activities of police officers ?



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No, it doesnt, how can a video show that someone is innocent ?


I never suggested it *showed* his innocence, I just stated that he was an innocent man, which from all accounts appears to be the case.


I should have qualified with "by all accounts".

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Prime Minister,


I feel extremely disappointed to hear that despite overwhelming evidence of an assault by a uniformed officer upon an innocent member of the public, there will be no criminal proceedings.


Prime Minister, you expressed surprise when there was a public swell of sympathy and dare I say support for Raoul Moat. Yet consistently, the police are never held to account.


After the shocking violent events of Stockwell tube station, (5 years ago yesterday!) and then this brutality, one wonders when will the Police be brought under the same justice system as the rest of us?


Were I to have been the one to assault a Police Officer who then subsequently died, would I have been afforded the same protection under law - no Sir - I think not.


It is embarrassing to hear the institutionalised spin by the police in the wake of both deaths. Do you not feel embarrassed?


In any institution which exercises power there will be a minority who abuse it.


Without a proper people's supervisory body, how do you expect us to ever trust the police when it so easy to whitewash their crimes?


You talk of transparency, please can we see some that really matters.



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Prime Minister,


I feel extremely disappointed to hear that despite overwhelming evidence of an assault by a uniformed officer upon an innocent member of the public, there will be no criminal proceedings.


Prime Minister, you expressed surprise when there was a public swell of sympathy and dare I say support for Raoul Moat. Yet consistently, the police are never held to account.


After the shocking violent events of Stockwell tube station, (5 years ago yesterday!) and then this brutality, one wonders when will the Police be brought under the same justice system as the rest of us?


Were I to have been the one to assault a Police Officer who then subsequently died, would I have been afforded the same protection under law - no Sir - I think not.


It is embarrassing to hear the institutionalised spin by the police in the wake of both deaths. Do you not feel embarrassed?


In any institution which exercises power there will be a minority who abuse it.


Without a proper people's supervisory body, how do you expect us to ever trust the police when it so easy to whitewash their crimes?


You talk of transparency, please can we see some that really matters.




Very good, I would have gone for '' Actual bodily harm '' rather than Assault however.

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Sadly there’s been a lot of misinformation spread about this case by the usual lefties, and their bible The Guardian, a paper with a pathological hatred of the police. Ian Tomlinson has been portrayed as some kind of saint when in reality he was a homeless alcoholic who fathered 9 children and could have chosen to avoid the rioting protestors on his way home, but deliberately chose to walk right into it and refused to comply with police police requests to move on.


Also he did not die as a result of being pushed, he died as a result of a heart attack. As he was a heavy smoker and alcoholic, it’s likely his lifestyle that killed him.


The most shocking aspect is that this poor police officer has been put through hell for the last 18 months, not knowing if he was going to be prosecuted for simply doing his job, protecting the rest of us from these violent protestors. It’s him we should have sympathy for, not Tomlinson.

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Sadly there’s been a lot of misinformation spread about this case by the usual lefties, and their bible The Guardian, a paper with a pathological hatred of the police. Ian Tomlinson has been portrayed as some kind of saint when in reality he was a homeless alcoholic who fathered 9 children and could have chosen to avoid the rioting protestors on his way home, but deliberately chose to walk right into it and refused to comply with police police requests to move on.


Also he did not die as a result of being pushed, he died as a result of a heart attack. As he was a heavy smoker and alcoholic, it’s likely his lifestyle that killed him.


The most shocking aspect is that this poor police officer has been put through hell for the last 18 months, not knowing if he was going to be prosecuted for simply doing his job, protecting the rest of us from these violent protestors. It’s him we should have sympathy for, not Tomlinson.


Sympathy for a Policeman who had the forethought (under order or not) to remove his identity, before using a baton to bring a man to the floor who posed no threat whatsoever?


No. None here.


It matters not that Tomlinson had any pre-existing health conditions. It matters that he was brought to the ground illegally. That he died subsequently is a matter for the coroner - but the Police officer should have been brought to book for the assault/ABH at least.

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The face covering the police officer was wearing was probably for protection from fire in case that danger arose.


Probably had an NBC suit at the ready in case Enola Gay was scheduled for a flypast as well...


They removed their identity. He had no visible identity, his face was covered, he batoned a man to the floor posing no threat.


Next time you people are out in town, a bit worse for wear, similar state to Tomlinson, a bit merry, causing a harmless fuss, and a policeman comes and batons you to the floor for it, beats you hard enough to cause internal injuries, Don't complain will you?.... It's all in the line of duty, and within the law......

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