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Etiquette at the butchers

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I think maybe the butcher was correct - I suppose technically he has done you a favour by trimming the fat off for you! After all, it would have cost you exactly the same if you had taken the gammon home and cut the fat off it yourself!

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Yeah, some people like fat. That's not the butcher's fault. His margins are based on selling meat in certain cuts. If you want it another way, I don't think he should be left with the bits you don't want.


It's like broccoli. Very few people eat the stalks, but should we only pay for the florets?


Similarly, some people peel carrots, but others don't. Should we pay for the skin or not?


I think the answer is to speak to the butcher next time. Tell him it was great meat and v tasty, but would he mind weighing it after he's cut the meat off. If he kicks off, then go to another butcher.


Supply and demand rocks!


A bit of a carrot skin is slightly less pricey than part of an animal though :hihi:

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I appreciate all of your coments, but I think he might have "skanked" me.


Oh, don't talk such nonsense!


All meat is priced for sale as it appears on display - if it has fat attached, then you pay for the fat, along with the lean meat.


The butcher did you a favour in removing the fat, there's absolutely no way he should have charged you just for the lean gammon.


Go to a different butcher - or deli - and see how they react if you ask them to trim off the fat and then weigh it for sale!

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I started this discussion and I appreciate all comments.

I now think the butcher was correct.




Will not go there again though, I'll go down Woodseats.

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