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Does fate exist?

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The idea of Fate is anything but rational.


If I'm fated to die at, say, 60, then up to 60 I might as well ride a motrorcycle everywhere with my eyes shut. I might as well as I'll be safe.


If I'm fated to be financially well off, then what's the point of studying at school or even bothering to work. I'll be comfortably well off anyway.


Conversely, if I'm fated to be poor, then no matter how hard I work I'll always be poor.


If fate exists, then there is absolutely no point in ever making any decision. Fate would rule anyway.


But you can only ride your motorcycle with your eyes shut and survive until you are 60 if that is what you are predestined to do...


I am not talking about fate in a mystic meg sense, just in the sense that the causes for our actions are necessitated by a combination of our history and genetics without any external factors or randomness.

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I am not talking about fate in a mystic meg sense, just in the sense that the causes for our actions are necessitated by a combination of our history and genetics without any external factors or randomness.


Yeah I can go with that, but then it's not really fate to me, determinism is different.

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"flamingjimmy" You clearly aren't a student of ancient philosophies, ancient religions, theosophy, spiritualism, mysticism, kabbalistic astrology, the afterlife, Buddhism, shamanism, GOD, creation or life. (the list does go on by the way). There is a book that I read many years ago called, "death, an interesting journey". It has not been widely released to the public and is (or then was) only available to noted mediums and spiritualists. This book explains that the soul must undertake every experience known to man, good & bad in order to reach perfect knowledge and understanding of life so that the student will eventually become familiar with all that GOD has created and will be sufficiently equipped to join GOD in their rightful place in heaven. FATE is very real, it is the reason that you are reading this now, it is the reason for your every move, your every thought. Your life is mapped out whether you change your mind or not, the mere fact that you changed your mind is part of the process, your path of life. Everything will happen to you at some stage or another, whether it be in this life or the next, or the next or the next.

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you make your own luck in this life no one else or thing decides that for you but you


how do you think that some are lucky in life and some are not, what about lottery winners, are they making their own luck or is luck making them.

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"flamingjimmy" You clearly aren't a student of ancient philosophies, ancient religions, theosophy, spiritualism, mysticism, kabbalistic astrology, the afterlife, Buddhism, shamanism, GOD, creation or life. (the list does go on by the way). There is a book that I read many years ago called, "death, an interesting journey". It has not been widely released to the public and is (or then was) only available to noted mediums and spiritualists. This book explains that the soul must undertake every experience known to man, good & bad in order to reach perfect knowledge and understanding of life so that the student will eventually become familiar with all that GOD has created and will be sufficiently equipped to join GOD in their rightful place in heaven. FATE is very real, it is the reason that you are reading this now, it is the reason for your every move, your every thought. Your life is mapped out whether you change your mind or not, the mere fact that you changed your mind is part of the process, your path of life. Everything will happen to you at some stage or another, whether it be in this life or the next, or the next or the next.


I'm supposed to believe you because you tell me you read it in a book that's 'only available to noted mediums and spiritualists'. You haven't offered any evidence you've just said that it is so because you read it in some book which I can't access to verify any of this? Really, that's it? That's supposed to convince me?


Not in this lifetime:wink:


There is no evidence for the existence of



B Souls

C Heaven

D Fate


Using A B and C to try and explain D is just going to make me ask you for evidence for A B and C as well, you're already struggling enough with D, let's just leave it with that one eh?

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Fate & destiny are very real.. the sooner you give up your life to fate the sooner you will have a happy one.


Tell that to some starving orphaned amputee living in a warzone somewhere, I'm sure that knowing it's all part of god's plan will make them feel much better.

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"flamingjimmy" You clearly aren't a student of ancient philosophies, ancient religions, theosophy, spiritualism, mysticism, kabbalistic astrology, the afterlife, Buddhism, shamanism, GOD, creation or life. (the list does go on by the way). There is a book that I read many years ago called, "death, an interesting journey". It has not been widely released to the public and is (or then was) only available to noted mediums and spiritualists. This book explains that the soul must undertake every experience known to man, good & bad in order to reach perfect knowledge and understanding of life so that the student will eventually become familiar with all that GOD has created and will be sufficiently equipped to join GOD in their rightful place in heaven. FATE is very real, it is the reason that you are reading this now, it is the reason for your every move, your every thought. Your life is mapped out whether you change your mind or not, the mere fact that you changed your mind is part of the process, your path of life. Everything will happen to you at some stage or another, whether it be in this life or the next, or the next or the next.


Sorry, you simply cannot know all that unless you're omniscient, which you are not.


Just read it back to yourself. Look at what you are claiming to KNOW. Have some humility, you're only a human with a human mind.

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